We Need 5 Extra Crap 10 manas Spells Or Chance 1 Mana Minion

So; would limiting spells in this way solve the problem of tendrils now?


There wouldnā€™t be 10-mana spells at all for most classes xD

9-mana spells would be repeating. Problem solved.

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See? Every now and then I get a decent idea.
But Team 5 is not for me. No one wants MageStone, lol.

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Yes, you did.

False. Discover is and always has been class or neutral cards only unless otherwise specified. Of course Mage cant discover a card from another class, neither can the other 10, unless explicitly stated on the card.-

This? is a personal goal that I have yet to execute on.
I promised you nothing, and you flatter yourself to think that I ever would.
Iā€™ll just keep living rent-free in your clearly fixated mind. #ignored

What 9 mana spells are there that would make tendrils still viable? Any?

Oh, old man, I know very well of your many posts that were removed. Lets not forget when you ā€œthreatenedā€ Kills to be on your hit list after you got your 10 year card back.


The Scourge and Crane Game are the only ones Iā€™ve found in Standard xD

Not good, basically the same thing as with 10-mana spells. If you would implement the dual/triclass thing, you would be left with nothing to cast randomly

Funny. Looks like they just stop making high-mana cost spells because noone even wants to play this game more than 7-8 turns on average.

Even that was too much for me, honestly. Iā€™m relishing this 5-6 turn game-over meta, even if it comes with a few 60% win rate classes.

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I donā€™t think the phone generation has time for a game that lasts longer than five minutes, tbh.

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Turn 7-8 has been their ideal since Brode was in charge, why would you think that would change?

Although itā€™s still early to conclude anything about current meta, right now itā€™s definitely lower than that

If its too early to conclude, you cant say its definitely lower than that.
That is what we call an oxymoron.

What do you think will happen going forward? Do you forsee nerfs to tendrils?
And? What would those look like?

Too early to conclude because weā€™re expecting nerfs and who knows what the stabilized meta will look like? People might enjoy predicting, but theyā€™re almost always wrong.

What I know is that I have 260 games since the patch on the same class I had 500 games before this patch, so I have proof that the games are shorter on average on my tracker.

True, but I think it is an eventuality that the interaction will be dealt with in some way.

I have no idea, and as Iā€™ve said above, Iā€™m not into predicting all that much

The game dynamics is a complex dynamical system with intertwined variables. With our current knowledge, predictions are impossible

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You are predicting yourself. What makes your predictions more factual when, as you said, its too soon to tell?!?

You have evidence, not proof. Do not confuse to 2 terms.

Agreed. Iā€™m no oracle, but I think that the deck and the sunset volley replay is easily the most complained about in this meta thus far.

Go bother someone else. Iā€™m immune to your shennanigans by now. Itā€™s just boring.

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I think I would like this expansion far better if the Sunset Volley spell worked in itā€™s intended class as well as it does in the tendrils decks, lol.