We might need more tech cards

If rotation does not improve the need to not be able to responded to hand play ect then we need more tech cards like the newly revealed Ghost from the mini set. I don’t like the idea of such cards because tech became a plague in yugioh. But i mean the devs have been building the game that way so ehh.

What do you mean tech card. That’s an extremely offensive card against everything with sensitivity to breaking their low cost combo.

If it’s combined with Shudderblock it’s probably lethal against everything unless it already has lethal on the board.

I am aware of Shudderblock could be popping Ghost off like 6 times. I plan on trying it once it drops will all the had stuff Rouge and other classes be doing you can’t interact with right now.

I’d rather them just tone waaaay back on this nonsense than make tech cards to turn the matchup into a coin flip on if you drew the tech in time it not.

It’s not just rogue though, basically everything is just just running off some uninteractive scam play you almost certainly can’t play around.


Blizzard are on a roll to power creeping the game and making the fights short. Look at their latest tweets. They literally bait their own followers that their new cards will be overpowered.

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Which is going to lead to the need for more cards like ghost as an example.
And as annoying as they might end up being. You’re just gonna have to play them. Like hand traps in yugioh.

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Just what this game needs, more tech cards nobody ever plays because punching face is more efficient.