All the mind control and rise of aabj hunter has made it to where i domt want to even play minions anymore unless they kill my opponent right away or only have one minion on board at a time. Sure this isnt every deck but holy moly i dont want to get killed because i play a minion.
Swarm shaman, rainbow shaman, elemental mage, zarimi priest, every death knight deck, every rogue deck that isn’t weapon rogue, every paladin deck, and demon hunter decks all play a ton of minions starting turn 1. Only druid, warrior, warlock, and weapon rogue forego dropping minions early. So the most successful decks are indeed dropping minions, and lots and lots of them.
But ranger gilly handbuff ABJ hunter is still bull sh!t. It needs to go away forever.
First game of the month I get one of these things. An actual otk - not the kind people usually call otk - dead from 30-0 from the opponent’s empty board - on turn 5 in standard.
I assume they drew a highroll, but the functionality is such that it might come down a couple turns later to the same effect and that’s fine, but there wasn’t anything to do here.
I wasn’t even fully paying attention and had to watch the replay to figure out what the blank had just occurred.
I haven’t looked at the numbers to see if this is problem deck yet, but seems like something they would act to stop before it takes over the game. I’m a bit surprised there isn’t more chatter on here about this deck doing this to people.
Vs calls the deck Grunter Hunter, because the whole game plan is to tutor and handbuff warsong grunt to huge stats and then use it to OTK. Unlike hollow hound, it isn’t a cleave minion, it’s just a really really big batterhead, so separating minions with dormant or locations between them or placing a taunt at the end of a row of minions does NOTHING to stop the OTK.
I think it’s a toxic play pattern.
i didnt know about this deck
now i know if i see a hunter playing several handbuff wait a bit then drop rat
Splendid times for minionless decks like Weapon Rogue xD
Board flood decks are the ones that do BEST against weapon rogue.
No, they’re really not.
Dungar Druid and Warrior are doing best against it, and then Libram Pally
Other Pallies, and every other class loses comfortably
I just looked at the VS matchup chart for weapon rogue and I’m going to have to disagree with you here. The deepest red weapon rogue has is against elemental mage and swarm shaman, and zarimi priest and pirate demon hunter are also both listed as bad matchups for the rogue. While dungar and warrior are bad matchups due to the rogue having no way to deal with unkilliax, the swarm matchups are even WORSE because they get on board too fast and kill the rogue first. I’ve been playing an aggressive overheal/pain/dragon hybrid priest list and I do pretty well into weapon rogue myself, so I’m pretty familiar with that matchup from the swarm angle. Throw down a few 1 drops and buff em with orbital halo and you can pressure quite fast. My list won’t be on the VS stats because it’s a custom, but you can substitute it with zarimi priest, which does beat the weapon rogue.
There are only a few decks in the meta that are true aggro. But the stats DO show the matchup for weapon rogue to be unfavored against the dangerous minion swarm decks.
Remember when they said gilly was unviable
I was going to say something about this when i was reading your post but you said it perfectly. This deck literally punishes you for playing the game and it’s not even that hard to pull it off. The frequency of this deck showing up is growing daily.
Not sure why that deck threatens you. It’s not easy to pull it off, and not even the top 1K seems to be able to squeeze a lot of win rate out of it.
Have you played the deck? It’s VERY slow against other decks so it can be overrun quickly (so I guess you play slow dekcs?).
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