We are going to need classic hearthstone soon

If we get Giants that discount based on the opponent’s use of certain overpowered effects - like Discover, or generated cards - it might be enough of a tech to put the powercreep in check.

Several MMO have ‘classic servers’, they basically feed on nostalgia and it works pretty well.

But Hearthstone doesn’t evoke a feeling of nostalgia in me, I kinda doubt it does for anyone else. Hearthstone isn’t a universe, it’s not a world, it’s cards. I don’t think classic hearthstone would be very successful.

didnt we get brawls like this and got boring fast ?

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Bring on the classic hearthstone, this random crap is ridiculous. It’s not competitive its gambling and everyone has cards under the table. They don’t balance they don’t do anything over there but pump out garbage cards now. Theirs no real room for improvement, you have to wait for cards to circulate out for years, you cant even correct the damage they’ve done. Standard, wild, and classic could possibly satiate anyone’s need for the type of nonsense they want to interact with, the game wasn’t perfect even in the beginning but it wasn’t this. Its no surprise that more people want to play battlegrounds and streamers are leaving or playing other games. I’m sitting on a ton of arcane dust I haven’t even bothered to spend, waiting for some sort of sense to come of all this. Quite possibly one of the only things that could correct some of this damage if they don’t bother want to bother with classic, is more board clears and silence cards, counter and tech cards to mitigate all these ridiculous combos they could not have seen because its soo difficult to test these designs. Otherwise its they snowball you or vice-versa, massive swings left and right. Competitive scene isn’t their anymore for good reason, so why not implement classic mode. They’re going to keep making garbage cause it keeps getting bought, no need for a hearthstone 2, and all the new people will put money back into older packs and wild players will get to play with older cards in a limited scene where wild is under control and not the box of nightmares it is now. Not only would it be successful it would probably bring players back and possibly give the new team over there a road map for what they’re doing wrong. The player base is already split really Battlegrounds took over and that is beginning to see its own limits with poisons and power levels of certain heroes, what is it with this company when they create something that’s generally good at first but every time they add something to it makes it exponentially worse almost everyone of their games is an example of that. They cant give us balance well fine take us back to a time where their was at least some, cause all the tricks are spent and the whole company is on borrowed time, all their games are outdated and Overwatch is the only one that has a little more time left and that well is almost tapped.

The game should only include ‘Basic’ and ‘Classic’ cards.
With original artwork, since it’s like the past. :smiley:

Well this is a symptom of a bigger problem. 3rd mode based off wild which is rotating expac lists is the closest you get to a fix. Otherwise they nerf too much of the wild sets and the money you put into them is pointless.

The real problem is pumping out 500 cards a year that people have to invest hundreds if not thousands to be competitive with in standard because wilds a clown fiesta. I only actually play to knock out quests every 3 days now and stopped buying expacs. I invested 2500 gold in a tavern pass.

See if I had the real cards for this, I’d have sold them off ages ago and cashed out. Game models that disinclude the player base being able to make some scratch do not work long term. Point in case, D2 is still played and still has a market for items where players can sell them and make cash. Its one of the most popular Blizzard titles ever because of that fact. Hell they haven’t even added content for YEARS. The market sustains the player base there. But blizz was pissed because they as a company were left out of a revenue stream they felt entitled to.

I’m getting off point. Stop buying expacs and invest elsewhere. This is the only way to force them to address the issues you have. Its why I’m done handing them money.