The problem is that the power level the cards are at isn’t fun. Sure, you can buff other decks to this power level, but that isn’t making the game any better either, you just have more options to blow out the opponent.
I like the game to have a strategy element to it, not just be bazookas from 10 paces.
“oh look, i drew these 3 cards by turn 5, I win” isn’t engaging gameplay, but that’s the power level we are at.
Buffs only make sense when the top deck power level is at a reasonable place.
For me right now, it’s either aggro DH, or concede instantly when chemical spill summons perfect virus zilliax because removing its divine shield removes all of the ability to prevent it from entering the rez pool.
But seriously, everything is broken.
Pain lock stats are absurd
Aggro DH has more bodies than almost anything can handle, and they self scale up
Paladin has an OTK that they can pull off on like, turn 6
Druid is still crazy strong, even when not pushing for their super fast OTK
Aggro elemental shaman has crazy reach now
The power level of the game just isn’t fun for me.
lamplighter feels insane in every deck that can play it including rogue.
Sock Puppet in DH in specific is just bonkers, wouldn’t be suprised if it was playable even as a 1/1
the 2 mana ramp card for druid isn’t really nerfable but definitely feels more egregious than the other ramp card (of note, turn 3 doomkin)
Paladin has both Handbuff OTK and Holystick OTK, Lynessa for sures goes to 6
Still looking for the right deck, but DKs funny 4 mana deal 15 damage feels really really strong. DK definitely has a unicorn deck out here that relies on this uber broken location.
I haven’t played a single game in standards since launch.
I expected it to be stupid broken to the point that it isn’t even interesting, and I don’t expect to play standard again until after the first balance pass.
They really need some different voices on that design team, imo. They’re running the game into the ground with this silliness.
You and that Boreas dude has to be the two worst trollers on this forum. Such low effort, at least get under their skin before delivering some useless line
Zilliax is basically a guarantee. I’m guessing Virus Module loses Reborn.
Sock Puppet for DH seems pretty likely. It’s very powerful with the 2/2 Demon Pirate (name escapes me), but the 2/2 by itself isn’t really the issue. I could see them making this a 2-drop or a 1/2.
Horizon’s Edge for DK. I’m guessing it loses a durability.
Lamplighter is strong is several decks. Notably Rogue. I could see it going to 4 mana to prevent the Shadowstep + Sonya synergy to copy the card.
Lynessa enables a couple of powerful Paladin decks rn, and could see a bump in cost to 6. Not a guarantee this will happen, but she’s a card to watch for sure.
Honorable (or dishonorable) mentions to Doomkin and Concierge.