Warrior might actually need Brann

So I tried to make a warrior deck Revolving around the new cards in the mini set and well, let’s just say they’re not very great. I get crushed so easily. I wanted to get away from using a cheap deck, but I might as well go back to the toxic Brann boomboss combo tbh.

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I guess new Bomb Warrior dies to stuff like Insanity Lock, Handbuff/Flood Paladin, Aggro Hunter…while probably blocking every other slow deck from play.

Hey, we did get a miniset today, right?

I barely won against an elemental mage player. It’s BAD

But is Brann completely dead, or is it just not as good? I suppose more people will play aggro, making it even more worse. Oh well. Deck was way too popular. Perhaps there will be some balance.

Shhhhhhhhhhhh…quiet. This might be the first mini set that didn’t completely wreck the game after release. Hopefully the rest of the sets this year are as tame.

It’s hard to tell, you can only get 12 hour data so people are playing things all over the place.

But I can say that based on that data, the play rate has plummeted. People may be experimenting with new stuff or it really is that bad. Will see in a few days.

Brann nerf absolutely killed warrior and being a f2p player it was the only deck i had. I played around with new neutral legendaries and bomb carp. Its worthless… mean while nostalgia is ridiculously op for shamman and rouge pack is killing in weapon rogue. Im sure this is just the beginning. Now after crafting thoses cards i cant make anything else so im stuck with what is now the worst class in the meta. Blizzard please clean off the giant crap you just took on warrior so i can actually play. Buff the mess out of these new garbage warrior cards or give us back 6 manna brann!!!

Eh idk I feel like warrior has enough stall to make it work, but at the same time, considering all the arggo decks now, having to wait those extra two turns before getting brann out will probably kill it

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Hey where’s this guy that was insulting me insistingly yesterday for saying I don’t think they should have touched Brann, but Boomboss instead? Haha

Anyways, still early to tell if it’s gone for real. But if it is I won’t really miss it.

Probably the only mini set that not worth buying lol…

TBH, he was right.

Boomboss is only broken with Brann.

Brann breaks many minions.

Dont believe me?

Shudderwock was apparently fine as well, for a set or two…

Ice cream Peddler!

That’s a debate I can have, I just think Boomboss in that deck was the real late-game shutdown that shouldn’t be.

He wasn’t mad at me for that part tho, he just said I was very dumb for not thinking Brann itself needed to be the target of nerfs.

You can disagree tho, as long as u don’t start calling me names lol

But he did need to be the target.
Not saying Boomboss is fine, but Brann will be an ongoing issue that "limits design space.

Just like Shudderwock.

At least this time they (tried to) hit the cause.

Brann definitely needed to be hit as he is an effect that you really can’t go over. He has to happen late enough that basically every other deck has a good chance to win first. Ditto with Odyn.

I do agree that boomboss is also a problem. Brann wasn’t the only way to duplicate him, and his effect is far more crippling than any other disruption card in the past toward late game decks.

I do think it’s a little early to call warrior dead though. Classes usually see a mass exodus after noticeable nerfs rather than attempts to adjust the deck. People disenchant the card, and try new things for a while.

It wouldn’t really surprise me if 8 Mana Brann or Odyn showed up again down the line.

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I think at this point they just need to rework warrior because it’s not working. If the only way they can have the class “work” is by giving it a broken card like Brann then it has failed as a class. It lacks the versatility that other classes have. (This is coming from a warrior player btw)

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I’m sorry but there shouldn’t be any cards that provide the level of infinite value that Brann does. That applies across the board. People wouldn’t complain about a card if it wasn’t as broken as Brann is for warriors. Getting a nerf of one mana was not enough so I don’t know why any warrior players would complain about such a miniscule nerf. The moment you put that card down you’re exponentially out-valuing your opponent for the rest of the game even if they had they played the same exact cards as you. This card game used to be about each turn strategically mattering. Where your opponent made a move and you had to attempt to counter. Then they had a turn to attempt to counter your turn. Playing a card like Brann there is nothing your opponent can do other than get f’d for the rest of the game. The same thing goes for Reno Lone Ranger. We need to stop taking away these counters because you leave players frustrated and hopeless when they have no ability to interact or try to counter plays. It’s ridiculous.

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I think you have it upside down. Any class that succeeds ib HS is because of the broken cards and the combination of those. So yeah, Warrior did not fail, it just surpassed a lot of the opposition. And tho wasn’t as broken as Beast Hunter, Flood Paladin or Pain/Insanity Warlock it basically deleted control decks from the meta.

Yeah. Was impossible to even try and play for late game.

How is an infinite doubling of battlecries not broken asf? That’s not upside down, that’s stupid. Your opponent can’t do anything to counter or interact with that the moment that card is down. For the rest of the game you have double battlecries. Same thing with cards that double stats of your minions for the rest of the game. Can’t interact with that either. Or for the rest of the game armor turns into attack. At least you can attempt to keep their armor down…that’s at least somewhat interactive. There should be options with respect to aggro decks, mid game deck, control decks, etc. Cards like Deepminer Brann are so overtuned in value that it eliminates all other options. That should be a glaring opportunity to lean into a nerf. Cards that are broken become even more broken under the Brann effect for the whole game. If Warrior only needs one card to actually be playable, then that means devs haven’t really put much thought into the whole picture. Shouldn’t require one card to make a whole class playable.