Warrior and paladin need to be adressed

Both are aggro and control classes/decks at same time that out perform pure control classes or pure aggro classes. How is this balanced? Drop a 6/6 taunt minion and get a 3/3 weapon at the same time after you just healed for 8 and summoned a 8/8 taunt minion with divine shield. Couple turns b4 that you had a bunch of 3/6 winfurry minions. Paladin is over powered has everything and now drawbacks.

Warrior on the other hand whipes you board and kills you by turn 5.

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I mean, it almost sounds like Crab Rider is a bigger problem between those two classes


warrior is a problem because it is either utterly garbage or super good. there is no inbetween. it needs a better design. nerfs isn’t going to fix it.

i just hit Legend with a pally deck with a 68% win rate and its not even a deck people play, a lot of their cards are just op.

“Warrior is a probelm” are some words that I wasn’t expecting…

My tier list is already outdated


Up in d1 its mostly warriors 70% and they all have you dead by turn 5. Other 30% is paladins. Paladin and warrior about tied for t0 up here followed by hunter as t1.

I played a high rank warrior that didn’t play his hand well. I was supposed to loose the game and therefore I drew the worst combination of cards that sunk me.

My opponent just whiddled me down to nothing. I wish it was more fair.

Welp if you cant beat them join them ima make my own version of rush warrior later. Not like i dont have 7k dust and i have 90% of all warrior cards. Have all from last 2 sets.

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If anything has been made very clear about balance patches by Iksar’s AMAs, it’s that they care a lot about play rates and player sentiment.

Warrior can be very good. According to Vicious Syndicate Live Data today, Warrior has been 7-10% of the meta in the last two weeks, up the last day. It’s increasing, but still the 5th class by play rate.

I guess this thread is a data point for complaint, but you’re among few in complaining about Warrior. The closest matchup it has to an overwhelming win is Spell Mage (65-35). That does not come close to the biggest skew in the game right now. As things stand they’re much more likely to nerf Warlock.

We just had a meta where warrior was a mid tier class. Enrage was strong but not an overly oppressive force on the meta and fairly difficult to play well. Bomb was a niche deck that had a few very strong matchups.

It does well in metas that have a lot of minion combat as it has a lot of rush minions and weapons which makes it good in minion combat matches. It was bad before the nerfs because no minion mage was everywhere and they don’t leave the warrior much to do.

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Rush Warrior is surprisingly underated from the general population although I’ve seen quite a few of them along with Mages, Paladins and Warlocks in Legend 1k-2k. Few Grandmasters also already picked this deck to compete over this weekend.

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I saw one last week that absolutely killed my Paladin and I assume it’s a matter of time before they solve rush warrior and it takes over with all the paladin in play.