Trying to make a couple final decisions with a lackey warlock deck. First I started with a galakrond set up, but it played really slow and couldn’t get any value until late game. So I pulled those and started from scratch again.
I want to add some more draw so my answers are more consistent and I have plenty of room for lackeys and combos.
I can craft a legendary, but not sure what legendaries have the largest impact for lackeys outside of simply finding the “lackey” keyword for draw etc. Felgorge looks like a good bet, but is it too slow for lackeys? I might have to rethink if everything just slows down the deck dramatically
For legendaries I’d craft Dark Pharaoh Tekahn if you don’t have it already, he makes your lackeys 4/4 for the rest of the game which is good. If you haven’t completed the adventure yet you might want Grand Lackey Erkh for more value. I could also see Glinda Crowskin potentially being useful as echo lackeys could get a lot of value, or Barista Lynchen to do much the same thing (and won’t rotate out as fast). If you’re more concerned with draw power than lackey synergy though then Felgorge is probably your best bet.
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Warlock wanting even more draw? That’s being greedy man. Maybe acolyte, which can be boosted by lackeys, or that “discover 2 warlock cards” spell.
Greedy start, yes. I haven’t played much warlock over the last year. It’s hard to commit to crafting a niche legendary