Warcraft Rumble Looks Sus

I mean I think it’s the reason why Hearthstone is not getting better any time soon.
All the resources and code time are going to that failing new mobile game.

TBH, has anyone tried it? It’s failing I must guess.

Well I for one would be monumentally shocked if Warcraft Rumble is anything short of a masterpiece. :clown_face:


Rumble is utter garbage

Pure greed for real money gimps the whole game

It could have been an ok game

When the gaming industry collapses I really won’t care now. I’d rather see the greedy pigs go broke than have new games

As someone who is a lore/story oriented player, Rumble does nothing for me. It can be fun in a somewhat mindless way.

I find it fascinating that they shutdown the player forums for Rumble because it was so toxic (I assume).

I really hope the Hearthstone forum can improve. Comparatively, the WoW forums offer much better discourse than the Hearthstone one does. Maybe this one would be better if we had more blue posts from multiple people?

I picked it up i think 7 or so months ago. My go to leads are Rare / Epic and my teams are Gold.

120 Sigils and I am F2p.

Onyxia is impossible.

And the latest Darkmoon / Blingtron event is a total fail if you are in a guild who has half your people inactive because of a lack of actual NEW content.


Didn’t this already happen when Ben Brode decided to dump his “resources” in Marvel Snap?