Wait... it's all Dungeon Run?

:eyes: Looks at

Dungeon Run (Kobolds)
Dungeon Run - but with different hero powers (Witchwood)
Dungeon Run - but with shrines (RR)
Dungeon Run - but with “story” (Dalaran)
Dungeon Run - but with progression (Uldum)
Dungeon Run - but with 1 pack as a reward (Book of Heroes)
Dungeon Run - but with real people (New “Game Mode”)

Always has been


Book of hero’s is not dungeon run.

It’s missing the core element of it. Being able to change your deck via buckets treasures or other way. As it’s fixed decks that’s not dungeon run that’s just story mode.


also a dungeon run that requires people to spend a lot of money or time to play. SUPER innovative blizzard /eyeroll

I like Dungeon Runs. And allways thought that a pvp like that would be cool. So (in this case) it is a grate adition.


Nothing more could be expected from Blizzard

Checks out on blizzard standards

It’s also a PVP mode with rotating sets.
Many asked for this.