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Played vs another Secret Hunter

Hunter plays

Secretkeeper on turn 1

Oh look at that - very same card on turn just like the last secret hunter I played against.

Played a Secret on 2. Yep
Played the Sunreaver Spy and become a 3/4

Yep so far so good. Hunter is on that 1 2 3 RNG I win by turn 7 spiel like always.

Turn 4 another secret and start pinging 2 hero dmg
Turn 5 play Eagle Horn bow and ping for another 2
Won’t be long now.

Turn 6 play Life Drinker and ping for another 2.

Oh hey I got a Taunt! Got to do it.

Hunter attacks with Shimmer Fly gets a Spell - ITS DEADLY SHOT!

Sweep the Taunt minion Play Kill Command because How do Hunters end all games on turn 7 or 8? Yep.

1 2 3 RNG decided. All the card we laid out or at least the same cards were in the hand by turn 8. Maybe one slides in 4 and there other on 5 where the game before they got the other card on 4 and the other on 5. But doesn’t matter. All the same 8 cards needed to play the game in order were there to win the same way as the previous Hunter.

Just a matter of I had the Rock Paper Scissors deck to counter what they are doing.

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Yep, 100% agree. Some combination of playing a deck you actually enjoy 100% and not seeing the same deck on repeat makes or breaks a meta/CCG imho. Sure, you see Secret Mage, Even Shaman, and Jade Druid some in Wild, no doubt, but it isn’t to the #rollseyes point right now which makes it better than Standard. I have two decks in Standard that I do decently like (Malygod Druid and Control Priest) but… I have A LOT more in Wild and my opponent set is a lot more diverse until rank 2 (based on previous months).

No, you get flamed because you either make-up games that happen with exact detail or you play more games per day than I have this entire month so far, no joke, and complain every single post about a game that you’re playing that much


Hearthstone Forums =D

How many times have we done this now? Yep. Keep telling me what you think and I will keep telling you what I think. And it all goes nowhere.

Just looking for the people who see what I see. And I see several. Dont care what the life long I got all the cards blah blah boys have to say.

Seems though everyone says the game is constantly broken somehow.

Hey. Tell ya what. Lets all petition the PTC to come in and look at the game if and an outside source says - Yeah the game is run on a random algorithm or why - yeah no, there is some design to it that makes certain cards appear on the front of the deck vs the back end…

But bet youre too afraid they would find mew right.


You start that petition then. See how many actually agree with you by signing it.

You all want DATA!!

Lots and lots of DATA. You want tons and tons of data to prove how things work. So I provide it.

Not going to video record all the games and load them up to youtube because you still wouldnt believe.

And - every game I list the cards fell exactly that way.


They wouldn’t sign it because they would be too afraid I am right and they get proven wrong. They couldn’t handle the reality.

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No, you dont provide data. All you show is a lack of understanding in probability. Show me your replays, ou dont need to record them hsdt does it for you which confirms your 1 2 3 RNG theory.

No, I dont sign petitions that show lack of understanding from the petitioner. I have no fear being proven wrong, but first you need to give me an actual reason to sign. Nothing you have said gives me any reason to believe your claims, so no sig from me. Change my mind. Show me evidence that your claims are factual, 'cos I simply dont believe you.


It’s all in the lack of payoff, at least for Standard.

Try it with Jades, sometime. Rummaging Kobold OP!

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The fact you call something which you provide ZERO way to independently verify data shows a complete lack in understanding of what quality data entails.

The way to handle data driven testing and how to correctly support a premise…or even state one

Premise: I believe the game artificially inflates certain plays and makes it more likely for you to draw a good card

Test 1 : i will log 10 games against 1 or 2 different decks to see if a pattern exists

Supportive statement: in 10 games i played against quest druid, they had merchant in their opening hand all 10 times.

Test 2 : I will ask for community help. They can repeat my method and contribute their own results to correct my own personal bias so it’s not tainting the results

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I’ll say this for you, nimabi…

If ever there were someone who could convince a team of game developers to stop making new content that will get them paid and go on a side project to make one person in particular out of millions lose more, it might just be you.

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The current meta is what happens when control dies. Welcome to aggro smorc fest meta. May the best smorcer win. Take out all cards above 7 in your deck. You dont need them.

The meta could have been somewhat fun if it wasn’t for priest. People don’t like priest,its very simply. They don’t like playing against the deck and they don’t like playing it themselves either seeing the low playrate priest has compared to its power level.
The amount of games is very low again,i think one reason might be priest. The quests are all pretty decent and fun,some competitive and some a fun meme which is a challenge to make it work a little bit.
And then there is tempo priest,a dumb curve deck that somehow always get the cards they need early. I have not seen many pros who like tempo priest,its such dumb deck.
Like previous expansion we had cyclone mage (before lpg buff) that was a truly awesome deck,makes you want to log in and play it. Combo priest not so much,its to much of the same old curve thing and ds/if. Its boring,it should go.
Maybe remove whole priest class,most players do not like the class at all.

That’s an actual valid complaint about the meta.

They just didn’t give Control Shaman enough single target removals to compete with stuff like Restless Mummy and Omega Devastator.

I would rather say, that is what happens if you introduce quests. Kill them before they lay eggs

At least combo priest players actually play the game with calculated risk instead of having multiple RNGenerated cards from mana cyclone, boarcontrol enjoys the deck, hunterace as well, the deck skillcap is high why pro players does not like it??

In a weird way, Combo Priest reminds me of poker somehow

How about you don’t moralize about whether Combo Priest is more noble than Quest Shaman anymore than I would moralize whether Chinese Fried Rice is more noble than Turkish Chicken Kabobs.