vS Data Reaper Report #302

No really. I even like my haters. I hope metaphorically true† Jesus cures them of their mental illnesses

† edit: this is an unnecessarily outdated Jordan Peterson reference. I liked him more before he sold out

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Why? Ignorance is bliss.

meh, I don’t hate you, I mildly dislike you–but in that “we’re supposed to be enemies but there’s more important stuff rn” way.

the closest person to hate on this server is Mall, but that’s cause hes’ legitimately a broken record. Oh and I guess that Russian troll guy that was around, but at least he was kinda funny

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Coming from a creature incapable of using the ignore feature, I will take this as compliment.

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The point is that corporate sales sucks. It incentives you to turn your heart into a gray soulless stone. I wouldn’t wish the occupation upon anyone

so when I got promoted to supervisor and started doing trainings, coachings, performance reviews, my days were numbered. Making people into mini-mes felt like a crime against humanity

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He just can’t get enough of you.
It’s his bizarre way of wanting to be friends. It’s just a story in the making.


Well, my tolerance of him most certainly does have a limit.

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nah, the only person for his eyes is Jaina’s unnerfed artwork, he said as much himself.

I wouldn’t dare compete with that.

Damn you Blizzard why hast thou forsaken me …
Im getting way too much personal information dump for my taste.


for reference, here are mine

Int: 8
Wis: 9
Cha: 8

I must say that what I’ve come to understand from this site is that different people have completely different triggers.

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new megathread moment: “bashing on random forumers”

Well, what I have learned from this forum is that people like validation. And they will go to ridiculous lengths to receive it.


Don’t put yourself down, friend.

You’re turning Scrotie into some kind of heroic figure, and his ego doesn’t need that boost.

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its actually reverse psychology, I’m hoping to pull an altair on him (he’ll claim something, get proven wrong, then get clowned on for 200 posts)

Strong agreement. Everyone roast me immediately

of all of the characters, Millhouse says everything I need to know

The thing is, this has happened with Scrotie on numerous occasions.

I’ve been involved in the clowning, so I know firsthand.

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You don’t live up to the illusion of your chosen avatar.