vS Data Reaper Report #301

2 mana fiery war axe is unplayable these days to be totally fair

I’m not even sure I’d play 1 mana fiery war axe (at least in Warrior)

shadowstep uniquely scales to the power level of the sets its’ in, since it’s a negative 2 mana investment. Similar to how Druids’ free (or better) 3/4 Taunt scales better and better as more dragons are released.

A part of me thinks that it should be rotated from core next year, but a part of me also knows that Rogue loses a lot of its’ class identity if that happens. I wouldn’t mind a world where we keep Breakdance core instead of Shadowstep.

Rogue losing both bounce spells would be like if Mage lost Fireball in standard (which bare in mind is still a stellar spell).

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If this aimed at me,

First off: I think I said tier 2(was gonna look but can’t find the post anymore), I remember I was mostly arguing ELE.mage > ELE.shaman

Second: I did say(twice in fact) that I was in the wrong and that I was reading old Data(from the Aug 1st DR300) and that that data was irrelevent because we had nerf/buff patch

If not aimed at me… Nevermind sorry to bother you again

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No ,i dont even remember ever having an exchange with you on the matter at hand or anything else.

The only person i remember with a Frog avatar is Hazama.


I think there are a few mechanics that scales, but they’re in “tiers” like decks are in tiers.

Top tier is shadow step and ramp. Brann is probably top tier too or the next one.

In the next tier, which is still a very good tier, you have stat buffs and divine shield. Hence pallies have historically good performance. Heck, sometimes another class gets to buff their minions and get a good deck (thinking mostly of token druids). You take whatever is powerful in the set, and you just add some stats and shields to make them even better.

Then we have the middle tier, where it doesn’t guarantee strong meta performance, but there are times when you can be good. These include poisonous, stealing enemy stuff (usually minions), disrupting enemy hand/deck, taking another turn, etc.

There are probably more, but those I would throw to the low/forgotten tier, since well I don’t remember them being too common or prominent :stuck_out_tongue:

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stealing enemy stuff is top tier, copying enemy stuff is mid tier imo.

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Is the OP pretending to read the article? It literally shows paladin not even in the top 5 classes between the best players in the game.

I’m the LAST person to defend VS; they are often full of crap; but jeez this is one wrong interpretation of an article for the ages.

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Yeah, stealing not copying. But I think it’s not quite top tier since it’s vulnerable if enemy is going aggro with many minions but none worth stealing.

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They ranked its place in the meta. It’s not in the top 5 of their own list. Next question.

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Is it? It’s not being run in any of the mage decks.

And they can and do mold class identity to whatever they like so Shadowstep should be fair target for nerf/Hall of Fame.

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They ranked its place in the meta. It’s not in the top 5 of their own list. Next question.

not pictured, 54% WR in legend, 55% WR in Diamond, 51% WR in top 1k legend

only reasons its not getting played more is that it’s an old deck and slightly weak to turbo-aggro like Painlock (and likely loses to Sonya Rogue)

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There are other classes that can do just as much damage as fireball for less mana, and they get other effects besides, lol.
Maybe cause I play in wild it’s different, but FB sux compared to what other classes get. no one plays it, but maybe Quest mage.

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Guess we still play the new mage.
Ramping is fun.

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The best Mage ever, free to run wild in the meta with no consequences.

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No, FB sucks even in standard. Sif Mage was not running it neither any other burn decks since then. The only time I see it played it is either a random/discovered copy or rarely from Jaina’s Gift. 4 mana deal 6 is too little in modern HS.


What the heck is with all these fact denying people? My goodness.


Honestly the meta is mostly fine if you ask me. There’s a large variety of decks getting played and almost every deck feels fair and the win rates and play rates are pretty balanced. I think the recent patch hit the mark. Paladin feels very strong, but so do a lot of other things. And while I hyped up this sonya rogue big a bit earlier, it’s not a deck that’s going to take over ladder anytime soon. It’s very complicated and if played poorly its win rate looks terrible. It’s tier 4 or even tier 5 in most hands, but has the potential to be stupidly OP in the highest ranks. I do anticipate that IF this happens, team 5 will have to address is solely for the top legend meta (it wouldn’t be the first time). But this is a high legend problem, not a general ladder problem.

My personal feelings are that dragon druid is going to become the biggest feels bad outlier. Its play rate is rising disproportionately to other classes, and its matchup spread is extremely good into the one other class people really want to play and enjoy playing — rainbow Dk. It’s not really oppressive and it does lose fairly often. Pain warlock and zarimi priest kinda bully it out of its lunch money, and it doesn’t particularly enjoy the handbuff paladin matchup either. But it does feel bad when marin pulls free tsunamis and yoggs and eonars and it goes off hard. Other than that though, and maybe the return of insanity warlock, I really don’t see too much wrong with the current ladder.

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I feel the same but I think insanity warlock and dragon druid need a slight nerf. Other than that, there is a lot of variety and I’m liking it.

At thats point i cant belive they are serious, must be some elaborate plan to drive me insane.

Theres no way people are down this deep, even idiocy has limits.