VS Data Reaper #303: Shaman Supremacy Edition

If by fun you mean stop all play whatsoever until Skyla releases(that card deserves a full climb) then im having a blast.
She has giant and ugly shoulders that carry the entire mini set.

I might be able to finish the legend climb before she launches with big spell mage.

So long as I don’t go into another massive bad streak of luck as I tend to.

Then I can see how high I can push with Skyla…

And farm all the mages trying to make surfolopod and under the sea work along the way.

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Rainbow Shaman literally doesn’t exist. I gave it a spin for 50 games, it’s unplayable.

But the Big one is great

They’re in denial. I don’t think they even know what it is tbh.


He says that the deck list is bad, so I assume he’s at least looked at it briefly. Although perhaps I’m being too generous?

I think they’re just lying tbh. I’ve seen the deck several times.

They’re trying to convince people they’ve never seen shaman run razzle dazzler. Give me break. I run into the deck at least once a day at minimum.

I see the deck, as much as you can see a 1,5% playrate deck

It’s just that it’s hopeless

I ran it for 52 games, 44,23% winrate

It’s a meme-tier deck at best

Rainbow shaman feels okay, but its carried by the windfury more than anything. I feel like it is a decent deck to climb, but also that VS might have overstated its power level a bit

Edit: i tried the hagatha version, but i assume the conductivity list is better because it leans more into the windfury


I tried the Conductivity list but I assume hagatha version is better because it’s more consistent :smiley:

Conductivity looks more interesting and fun, but that’s as far as the deck goes

It’s transparent, it’s weak and it doesn’t have consistent finishers (everyone can see your weapon and play around conductivity+steal attack spell, just like everyone can play around triple ragnaros by playing token minions to soak up the dmgs)

To say they overestimated the deck is putting it mildly

They took a meme-tier deck and placed it in tier 1 with 1% playrate two reports in a row

It’s a comedy.


Rare ¡ Spell ¡ Perils in Paradise ¡ Choose a minion. This turn, your hero steals 4 Attack from it.

It doesn’t say “enemy minion.”

There’s a reason why the deck has Greedy Partners. It’s because 6+3+2=11. A Coin is required for the Razzle OTK.


You’re just overconfident that you know how to play it. It’s the best shaman deck at top legend meta stats of hsguru even for the last day.

It’s just that not many play it; it’s one of the most complex decks around; plenty of “good” choices but the devil is in the “best” choice.

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it’s so roguover bois, pack up, we ride at the mini set as Mages!

/s but seriously what does Rogue have post mini-set launch

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You REALLY dont understand why you have gathered so much hate of late?!?

Your experience is biased, by definition.

You cant use YOUR experience as fact. Facts are objective.
YOUR experience is SUBJECTIVE! It has a sample of 1 - YOU.

You are wrong, you remain wrong, global data PROVES you wrong!


Why is no one talking about that Lynessa/Pipsi Paladin deck? It’s an OTK deck that can also win pretty easily on Raw Tempo, can’t ask for much more in this kind of meta.

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Nohandsgamer made a youtubes on it the day the report came out

Another usually winning play is
Turn 8: Sigil + Horn
Turn 9: Conductivity + Jam Session, attack with pirates, Conductivity + Skirting Death, attack with weapon

It appears to be a high skill cap deck (its win rate INCREASES the higher the rank), and the forum is usually low rank players. I personally don’t care much because its win rate is never too high but I’m interested since I had played all pala decks a lot apart from Reno.

idk what matchmaking you guys have with the meta being “diverse”. its dk dk dk dk dk dk dk dk dk dk dk dk dk and more dk.

Your name should be SilverCOMMUNIST

im surprised you think so highly of me. you are WAY off from bronze10COMMUNIST