I did some thinking and I think I understand why I rate high skill the way I do.
I mainly play homebrew non-meta decks. These are much harder to pilot and have a positive win rate with because you have to do a lot more work.
When I play a meta deck, it feels like I switched the game over to “Easy Mode” if such a thing existed.
So perhaps the decks that are meta decks that are considered higher skill are higher skill compared to the rest of the meta decks, which I agree, but aren’t higher skill compared to when playing something that is completely off meta.
For example, people on here posted Reno DH decks. I can’t play it and do well. They are extremely hard to pilot because the course to victory is not clear. It takes a LOT of playing and testing the deck. I played the deck lists people here have posted and even after 20 games it still isn’t clear HOW to win a lot of times.
Then I pick up a meta deck and it just works by itself. I know immediately within 1-3 games how the deck operates. It’s clear how to win because the win is practically handed to you in your hand.
So perhaps I’m judging a bit too harshly on the decks.