Vs #305 Shaman Supremacy vol 2

Rainbow Shaman leads the pack. The class has a diverse range of options. Rainbow stands out as the best though and is also picking up in popularity after weeks of being good but relatively underplayed.

Lynessa Palidan benefits from BSM slowing down a turn. One of its worst matchups is now a coinflip

Pirate DH still kicking… feast or famine depending if you hit the matchups you want

Death Knight has deck diversity, but seems to fall off at higher ranks
Frost DK looks the best because the pressure helps conceal some of DK’s late-game weaknesses

Big Spell Mage is still doing well. Orb lists are taking over as surfalopod gets cut more often

Weapon rogue is decent, but the BSM nerfs didnt open it up to rising higher because Rainbow Shaman destroys the deck
Mech rogue is a decent aggro deck. Its slightly more resilient to removal than others which is why it sees more success at higher ranks than something like Demon Hunter, but still has some consistency issues.
Burgle rogue is basically unplayable according to VS

Warrior has options. Odyn looks decent, but loses to Palidan’s divine shielding their faces.
Mech warrior looks playable with the 6 drop not the 10 drop xD
Reno warrior is loved but still terrible

Druid finds success with spell damage builds at high ranks
Other non-reno druid decks struggle to consistently deal with big boards

No one wants to play hunter

Overheal preist still good. Zarimi gets outclassed by other aggro decks. Reno priest cant pressure anything and is terrible.

Pain Warlock still doing decent (look out for Leeroy as a new addition)
Insanity lock is good but having some trouble with mage, palidan and shaman

If your deck isn’t fast, make sure you have enough removal as the meta seems to get greedier

Scr0tieMcB reserves all rights to the title Shaman Supremacy. Any similarities between that title and this one are purely intentional


And still noone plays the God-damned deck xDDDDD

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As far as ive seen on hs guru over the last week, mage and Pali are both sitting at about 10% popularity. Shaman has been steadily rising as a pick. The class is spoiled with deck options at the moment which is probably one reason.

Seems like players have settled on the conductivity version of the deck too

Weird. We were all told Rainbow Shaman doesn’t exist by the local expert.

7th most played deck at Top1K. But doesn’t exist and no one plays it because it’s a low play rate.

But all the other decks with a lower play rate, those exist. This one though? Doesn’t.

That’s the logic. Truly boggles the mind.


I’ve been playing an aggro hunter recently that’s got a very high WR, but my sample size is pretty low. Only two matches I’ve lost was a turbo highrolling HL Warrior when i didn’t get a 1-drop, and a Blood DK. Other than that though, been stomping pretty much every deck.

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I admit i was also reluctant to say it was a top deck a few weeks ago. I thought it was too dependent on big weapon plays.
I thought it was a decent climbing deck, but overrated. After seeing more of it, i can see that it has a lot of board refill too. I still think the winfury weapon plays are the best closer the deck has to offer.
Seems people overall are coming around to it, especially since the BSM nerf.

The popularity of Lynessa Palidan definitely exploded after its worst matchup slowed down with the Skyla nerf. I knew BSM was a bad matchup for it, but i am still suprised how popular the deck is now.

I think the biggest issue is there are already enough aggro decks around and people would rather play those than refine a new one. Hunter seems like its 1 or 2 cards or card buffs away from being a competitive class. Mech rogue has taken the slot of the most relatively skill intensive of the aggro decks as far as I can tell. Hunter just doesnt do anything better than the other aggro decks do at the moment.

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I won’t demand that you take down the thread, but I’m entitled to 1000% of all profits.


At least give me some time to cook the books


If you need assistance, Altair is the resident expert


Is it better, in terms of winrate? I’m not sure yet.

Is it funner? Absolutely. OTK potential is objectively more fun than no OTK potential.


DK still flying WAY under the radar. Hilarious.


I think it is getting a reasonable amount of attention. VS is of the opinion that it struggles vs decks that have a strong late-game.
I agree with them in this regard. I play a lot of Reno rogue and i salivate when i get a blood DK opponent because they usually cant handle all the value. Helya is okay, but only relavant in a small sample of games in my experience. Compared to the inevitably of other classes, id say it’s the worst option.

I see why they say frost seems to be the best option for the class considering the pressure it applies

I think its both.

Reach from hand is important and the ability to maximize the damage gives shaman more flexibility in the gameplan.
If the weapon is the best finisher in the deck, may as well lean into it.

Best way to not be on the radar is to not be there at all.

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Technically, so do I, but I’m also very much aware that I want it to be both. I’m a little concerned about my own bias. I’d need more data than I can be bothered at the moment to collect, before I’d be confident.


Make sure to update us if you do go on a deep dig

I’m moving apartments in two days, so unfortunately real life temporarily has me on a supposedly strict “no Internet rabbit holes” policy

I probably shouldn’t be spending time on the forums at all right now. Oops.

Like all those who threaten to uninstall, I will probably fail spectacularly at ignoring the forums. But the point is that I really should.

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Good luck with the move. Hopefully you wont be too distracted while i burn through all of these sweet profits


You wouldnt dare!!!


Im hopelessly addicted to burgle Rogue and you know it xD

I havent actually tried the Palidan, but i do play a little shaman from time to time. My first class was shaman actually because bloodlust lol

I’ve avoided bringing the c-word into this discussion so far lol

Me after hearing Shaman is now top dog:

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