Rainbow Shaman leads the pack. The class has a diverse range of options. Rainbow stands out as the best though and is also picking up in popularity after weeks of being good but relatively underplayed.
Lynessa Palidan benefits from BSM slowing down a turn. One of its worst matchups is now a coinflip
Pirate DH still kicking… feast or famine depending if you hit the matchups you want
Death Knight has deck diversity, but seems to fall off at higher ranks
Frost DK looks the best because the pressure helps conceal some of DK’s late-game weaknesses
Big Spell Mage is still doing well. Orb lists are taking over as surfalopod gets cut more often
Weapon rogue is decent, but the BSM nerfs didnt open it up to rising higher because Rainbow Shaman destroys the deck
Mech rogue is a decent aggro deck. Its slightly more resilient to removal than others which is why it sees more success at higher ranks than something like Demon Hunter, but still has some consistency issues.
Burgle rogue is basically unplayable according to VS
Warrior has options. Odyn looks decent, but loses to Palidan’s divine shielding their faces.
Mech warrior looks playable with the 6 drop not the 10 drop xD
Reno warrior is loved but still terrible
Druid finds success with spell damage builds at high ranks
Other non-reno druid decks struggle to consistently deal with big boards
No one wants to play hunter
Overheal preist still good. Zarimi gets outclassed by other aggro decks. Reno priest cant pressure anything and is terrible.
Pain Warlock still doing decent (look out for Leeroy as a new addition)
Insanity lock is good but having some trouble with mage, palidan and shaman
If your deck isn’t fast, make sure you have enough removal as the meta seems to get greedier
Scr0tieMcB reserves all rights to the title Shaman Supremacy. Any similarities between that title and this one are purely intentional