Vision of darkness priest needs hot fix patch today

I personally don’t have a problem with this deck, but my only concern is Radiant Elemental, which is basically Priest’s version of mage’s little girl that got nerfed and it’s naturally that this card will create problems, because the mage card did and it got nerfed, so they should either allow both cards be at 2 mana or none.

Though they could buff it to be a 1-mana discover card.

Isn’t it part of Boonpriest? I thought this deck is good?

If blizzard nerfs it to 4 mana it would disappear like sorcerer apprentice

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Sounds like a typical loser build that only real low lives play. Infinite anything decks are only played by real base individuals. The dregs of society. Let’s hope this doesn’t catch on.

mage used it for fireball OTK loops priest doesnt have an “antonidas” for face damage spells

Yes, but isn’t OP’s concern with Vision of Darkness basically the same problem, because technically the Priest player can discover 4-mana face dmg and such and go infinite?

True, but it’s a matter of time, when combo cards arrive to make similar things possible, so if mage wasn’t allowed have this why is Priest allowed? Isn’t the current inconsistent version with Vision of Darkness kinda the same? I mean technically you could disover 4-mana deal 4 heal yourself and cast it into opponents face.

You can’t go infinite with only 10 mana; the card is incredibly overpriced for what it does

There’s some magic words that can fix this problem, but blizz refuses to add them

(But not less than 1)


vision of darkness?why
they never nerfed raid the sky temple

But they nerfed Sorcerer of Apprentice and it feels weird why priest is allowed to have Radient Elemental at 2 mana and mage is not.

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because priest doesnt have ignite

I just concede if someone is taking the whole timer in the first 4 turns. They can have the free win I wont play a match that is not fun.

You already won the achievement “pretend to not understand what people are talking about”; try to get the achievement “critical comprehension of the topic” and “ask if you don’t understand”

I’m not positive it’s going to rotate out, but it’d probably make priest a lot easier to balance honestly.

Don’t you regularly say aggro players have no patience/attention span? This isn’t meant as a dig at you, I’m just struggling the figure out where the cross section of these two mentalities lies.

There is a difference, If I am going to be roped I wont play the game. That has nothing to do with not playing a match against an aggro deck. Basically both options are not fun. It is not the pace of aggro matches that I do not like so much as the lack of strategy and interaction. And you will never convince me there is meaningful strategy and interaction in a 6 turn match.

cant remember

which cards were added to core on the same date it was supposed to rotate out ?

Not clear if other people run into this deck, but I run into one at top 100 legend probably one in every ten games.

Toxic AF to play against this deck, but apparently Blizzard gives their blessing to let this infinite card generation in one turn interaction exist…

I think it’s a pretty cool interaction. I faced it earlier today as Blood DK, and really all I had to do is make sure I took care of the radiant elementals, and then he was just discovering absolute garbage 3 times for 3 mana every turn, and I didn’t have to worry about it again.

Only time it might feel really bad is if they continually discover animate deads for radiant elementals with their rez pool only containing radiants.

Like I said, I don’t care about the effectiveness of the deck. It could be a turd. But being forced to sit there turn after turn while my opponent ropes so badly it eats 15 seconds of my turn due to queued animations is an absolute failure on Blizzard’s end, there is no way to see it in a positive light.

Deck is toxic AF.


This week, on “Complaining About Tier 5 Decks From the Worst Class in the Game”… Svalna Priest.

The real problem is that Priest hasn’t got a decent archetype to play so this kind of garbage gets reps.