Vas'no killing through Wondrous Wisdomball Ice block and double double cast of Wondrous Wisdomball trigger

during my fight with Vas’no (when I was going to fatigue him) he cast Lava burst to finish me off. Hopefully Wondrous Wisdomball triggered Ice block… but Vas’no was stronger then Ice Block:
Additionally I have noticed that whenever Wondrous Wisdomball is triggering spell second time (on a spell already cast) next spell also will be double cast.

Regards Greg.

Was the first Lava Burst prevented, only for the second and third to land? Which other passives did you have?

Regarding the second issue, I’ve experienced that too, and have heard other reports of it from reliable sources. The repeat cast effect seems to linger until the next spell is cast, even if it’s on a later turn.

Actually none of 3 casts were prevented, animation was for a milisecond just after first cast, maybe AI finished his turn and Iceblock went off but Boss hero power kept casting :slight_smile:

Well, my guess was going to be that the one-time “prevent damage” part of Ice Block worked, but the immunity part failed to kick in until after the Lava Burst had resolved, letting shots 2 and 3 deal their damage and kill you.

But if that’s not what happened, then that’s more reason your passives might have mattered, along with anything else you can remember about the situation. On the off chance you have a deck tracker replay, that’d also be a great help.

I had THE… Candles? and Emerald Goggles. Sadly I do not had tracker active at that time.