Vary important Suggestions

I played hearthstone for along time and game go crazy with this decks and see now hearthstone at Her worst condition.
Iam wild players a lot of card now make game awful and now I will suggesting some card with modifications or do something else to this card:

1-now the the most annoying card the demon seed this card broke the wild you can’t deal with this deck anymore play control or fast deck or any deck useless Especially with when play card DARKGLARE or Crystallizee it’s GG I hope ban this card again or change the Ability

2-now with druid. Druid is vary strong deck especially with mana increases on turn 4 he’s 8 mana and with card AVIANA make druid do crazy combos and make him crazy combo machine and card WILDHURT GUFF make it easier OTK this card 5 mana with 20 mana size and powerful heropwer draw a card or increase man it’s crazy card. May do cost 6 mana and mana size 15 make fell better. and I see AVIANA the biggest problem druid can make any thing with this card I hope do very strong things for this card.

3_card RAZA THE CHAINED with another RAZA make easyest combo and iam not taking on thes card card especially I am talking on effects on hero power when hero transfer to hero card for EX (RENO LONE RENGER) or mage with 1 mana that increase hero power damage when she play heo card that cost 7 ( I don’t remember it name) the damage that was incorrect steel existing or that 1 mana make next hero power cost 0 to transfer to hero card and cheating hero power to meke more crazy combos

Sorry if I ate the words I hope you take my words seriously from someone who loves the game and has been playing it for a long time.
with my greetings