Utilize That Ignore Function

Yeah, true. I’m neither good online nor offline at picking up on jokes. Might be slightly autistic, but have never looked into it.

As an aside, the irony in talking about trolling in a thread about ignoring such people. :laughing:

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That’s good and all, but you’re who decided to claim having credentials. It’s unsurprising that people want to know what those are.

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This entire conversation has nothing to do with Hearthstone, as I , or anyone else knows it.


You’re above this type of conversation, of course.

Now, let’s talk about T5’s mage bias…

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mage: has multiple top tier decks

they guy: but they aren’t the archetype i like the best!!! waaa

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How do I ignore if their profile is not public?

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You can try name and shaming Blizzard on the Hearthstone subreddit; they appear to have Devs posting there; they are gone here other than mechanically posting a sticky of patch notes.

E.g. tell them about that account witch-hunting you in here [it’s systematic bullying (e.g. I noticed them doing a real life threat against you yesterday)].

Or rather group of accounts doing youtube click farming.

thanksssssssssss aloot

From the guy giving out opinions on the entire forum at a rate that most of us find impressive.

Also, from the author of:

Imagine wanting to play a class as the class. Mech mage isn’t really a theme in wow, and technomacers didn’t become a sort of thing until those god awful trash gnomes they invented for an Alliance race in bfa.

Imagine if they made spell a spell warrior part of a meta. It would be completely ridiculous and against the archetype of the class. People who play warrior would rightly point out it was a dumb idea.

Until I saw this post, I didnt know HOW to ignore, now I figured it out and my word, its so refreshing to weed through the spam and dumb threads / replies / “trolling” that add nothing to the conversations.

It’s also funny that I went to ignore someone and discovered they have THREE usernames all similar with different numbers, guess the dude likes dodging bans like Neo does those bullets

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