Using Lock On, on an Infestor

I used Lock On, on an Infestor that was buffed to 4/3 and it did not change the health to 4/1, it instead changed it to 4/2. I tried looking to see if this had been posted yet or not but could not find it, I also have screenshots of the interaction.

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This is not a bug. The Infestor has an “for the rest of the game” effect.

If 1 Infestor died during your game then all Zerg will recieve a +1/+1 buff which will be applied like an aura effect onto all Zerg on the field.

The Infestor was buffed from 3/2 to 4/3 because of this.

When you used “Lock On” the health of the Infestor was set from (without the buff) 3/2 to 3/1.

Then the “for the rest of the game” buff is applied and the stats of the Infestor were changed from 3/1 to 4/2.

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The card says, “Set a minions health to 1”. It did not set the minions health to 1. It set it from 4/3 to 4/2, I used Lock On AFTER the buff. That makes zero sense.

Lock On sets the health of the minion to 1, it reduces its max and current health to 1
Said minion has a permanent +1/+1 that will always re-apply on top of its set stats
it then goes to 2 health because of that permanent buff

You cannot negate an aura effect by setting the stats to a fixed number


Ok, I understand now. Thanks for the clarification. The +1/+1 is permanent, regardless of what their current stats are.


exactly. and that is stupid as f***. “set to” should always result in that value no matter what other effects are in play at that time

That’s what it does, it sets to that value
Then it get buffed

If there’s a rule that says that an effect is permanent, how does it make sens that you can stop it from being permanent, while the rule is still active ?