Urgent Plea for a Block Function

To the community Blues,

Please consider a block function for the forums. I’m continuously being hounded by the same people whose sole mission is to find me in threads and act and speak negatively toward me. A block function would not only stop the people coming to find and seek me out, but it would also free up flag reports and ticket support to Blizzard staff.

Today alone, I woke up (my local time) to find that one person responded to me in a thread 13 DAYS later, literally just to insult me. They made 3 separate posts to do it! Not only that, they’re not even what I would call a ‘real’ member of this Community because they only have 5 posts to their name! This was a person who arrived along with all the other new people JUST for the Blitzcheung incident.

The next person joined a thread JUST to single me out. I double checked the thread I was in to make sure they weren’t in a conversation with someone else. Their initial one and only post out of 60 posts was toward me with negative implications.

The two above are examples out of many I have daily. I want to stop them and I can’t. Please let us block the people we want like Facebook.

Flags/reports don’t work (or at least not looked at). I found one of my posts that got removed to show proof of this. There is no way it breached the ToS. Here it is:

“That’s good, but what it’s doing here on the Hearthstone forums?”

If something as innocuous as this gets removed, then I already know the flagging/reporting is pointless. Not only are flags time gated, they don’t properly get evaluated. I flagged my oppressors posts with blatant swearing in them, so much so that they intentionally bypassed the language filter and they’re still up. A block function would’ve stopped the problem ages ago once I ascertained that player is only here to insult me.

Community Blues, I’m literally at the point now where I’m seriously considering making an alt account to post on so people don’t actively seek the ‘Difford’ name. I don’t expect people to like my opinions or the facts I bring up, but there is no excuse for insulting me for the sake of it.

To end this plea I want to reiterate my request: Can we please have a block function for the forums. We have the muting of threads already, why not people? I don’t even have to flag their posts anymore or make tickets because I will have proactively blocked them. Another upside is that ‘to and fro’s’ won’t become exactly that because I would’ve nipped pointless debates ahead of time to stop thread spam with a simple block.

Please Community Blues I implore you, consider this.

I would love to have an Ingore function like we had on the old forums (granted it was only cookie-based (sic!), but still there). But I doubt the small indie company will be able/willing to modify the forums backend (Discourse) to implement it.

Blizzard forums have been known to be garbage even in the old days, tech-wise, and it only gets worse with each new iteration.

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Fact: Blizzard promotes bullying that is why they took the ability to block unwanted people…

Do you have any proof for this “fact”?