Upcoming rogue does have weakness

If u destroy the rogue weapon on their turn they refresh their mana on your turn and lose it.

While most classes can stil benefit from their weapon destruction rogue will not i feel.

I felt like making this because everyone feels rogue is going to be too strong.

People don’t know what they’re talking about.

I wouldn’t worry about the people here.

Remember how Curse of Agony and Immolate was going to break Warlock?

Remember how Maiev was going to be in every deck?

Remember how the Community chose Vanndar over Drek’Thar?

Remember how Zilliax and Subject 9 were too slow for the Boomsday meta?

Remember how you should have crafted Troggzor instead of Dr. Boom for GvG?

It’s quite possible that Breakdance Rogue isn’t a big deal.


Its going to be strong but i think some decks have very good removal and healing i myself cant predict the meta we wil have to see.

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Yes and even famous streamer had their failures. My personal favorite is TrumpSC, when he predicted “Caverns Below, 1 star”. People usually overstimate or understimate by predicting things.


I do watch some streamers do their prediction streams, but I’m never 100% with the majority of their predictions. I find it fun to watch, moreso when it’s a group, but at the end of the day, we only know when cards are put into play.

I remember my boy being an auto-include in any kind of deck by the end of his tenure. I do hope he finds a home in the upcoming meta. I’m certainly going to try.


To be fair considering the list of cards Trump gives 1star i kinda know it’s broken when he does.

Who don’t remembers ultimate infestation?
That got 1 star from Trump too.

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Yes but is Trump much of a deckcrafter anyway? I may be terribly wrong here, but my view is that most streamers just sit around playing decks invented by other people the whole day, especially the famous ones.
Firebat did some good decks, and Kibler did a few too I guess, but the rest?

And you’re correct.

We’re just chilling and laughing a little.

I do trust Feno or Hunterace with these things. Aggro frost DK is a testament of that.

Their card review stream from a few days ago was pretty good. I disagree with some things, but mostly good takes all around. I recommend it.

Edit: and to answer the OP; I agree. I think people freaked out when they saw rogue cards in a vacuum because of recent miracle rogue trauma, but with the available tools I don’t think rogue will be able to take off as much as people think. It is almost guaranteed that rogue will be busted later down the line tho. I am almost 100% sure they will forget rogue has these cards when they print some random neutral battlecry like mailbox dancer later on and then rogue will be back to crazy turn 4 blowouts.

astalor, prep, bounce around, astalor, shadowstep, has entered the chat.
that’s just one line.

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Oh yea I member!!! Member drek’thar?