Upbeat Upstart bug, 16+ days old, help?

I just encountered a bug with Upbeat Upstart for the first time. It’s disheartening enough to encounter, but even more discouraging to see this has been a bug for weeks and has no response from Blizzard (it isn’t in the “known issues” thread).

I turned x1 Drakkari and x1 Upbeat Upstart into gold Drakkari and gold 12/21 Upstart in one single turn, and Upstart was on the “At the end of this turn!” phase of doubling it’s health. And then for 2 turns Upstart stayed at “0 turns left!” and I got 4th place due to Upstart never multiplying HP past it’s starting 21hp. Quite the frustrating bug to encounter at the end of what had been a good game for me. I could have easily placed top 2.

My Upbeat Upstart may have tripled from an Elemental of Surprise, but I’m pretty sure it tripled off a 3rd Upstart.

(I held 1st for the entire game until a couple turns prior to this clip. I sold several high HP cards for the gold to triple Drakkari and Upstart. My board wasn’t as weak as the clip makes it appear to be. I’m just stating this to ward off any “you were going to get 4th anyway” comments.)

I see the bug was reported by a number of people already via another thread.


Had the same bug after tripling them with elemental of surprise.


I’ve had this issue twice now. Upbeat Upstart Tripled with Surprise Elemental makes the ability not work, and I just lost two games because of it. PLEASE fix this, I love elemental build in Battlegrounds when I can get it off, and Surprise Elemental should help, not stop the combo from working!


I thought I tripled mine off a 3rd Upstart, however I did get a Surprise Elemental during the turn, and I got a LOT done during the turn to make everything happen, so there’s a good chance mine was caused from tripling with a Surprise Elemental too.

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Yup, I’ve been having the same issue as well for weeks now. Doesn’t seem like they are interested in even acknowledging it considering 107875 was reported 23 days ago.

Can confirm, when tripling with Surprise Elemental its not working.

can also confirm as well. Elemental of Surprise breaks the unit.

How is this bug not fixed yet completely ruins games…

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Insane. I have no idea. I’ve passed Elemental of Surprise so many times since posting this thread, when I could have tripled Upstart.

just happende to me also with divine shield elemental

This bug still exists. Tripled the a single Upbeat Upstart with 2 Elements of Surprise, and then tripled 2 Upbeat Upstarts with a single Element of Surprise. And they stayed at “0 turns remaining” for the rest of the game…

Which wasn’t very long since the cards were broken. GG blizz. Finding new ways to let your players down seems to be the last remaining consistent content you put out.

I also had this happen with element of surprise, very frustrating and disappointing

still an issue. I got my 2 gold upbeats early. both golden from element of surprise. hung at 0 turns left for entire game.