Unkilliax needs to be removed from the game

Or we will never have any functional midrange archetype. Warrior will just crush any board based deck by summoning endless waves of this bs.

I mean sure I could play my amalgam hunter to crush warriors and lose to everything else especially druids xD

I saw a great suggestion on this forum. Why not make all the effects they get a battlecry so they can’t be resummoned over and over again.

Because facing board of 3 unkilliaxes one have only 3 options. Kill the earrior noob with a 24 attack amalgam with trample, puff their board with reno or king plush, otk from hand or concede.


Yeah this meta is miserable. Not enjoyable at all.


The card is basically the only way to play a board based deck ATM. The only other way is with tokens and direct damage to face spells. Outside of that anything board based just eventually gets dominated by endless Zilliax and the full heal they get. Attaching it to the BC the easiest fix to the entire card IMO.


Yep. And as a person who mainly enjoys tempo/ midrange decks There is nothing really interesting in this expansion. Either kill the opponent by turn 4 with smorc or otk from hand or you will concede to endless unkilliax. So boring.

Although knowing blizzard they will do something stupid like increase it to 10 mana.

It’s also choking out those same decks because none of them can compete with 9+ of them, and you can no longer reliably prevent warrior from getting it into their rez pool.

Unplayable right now and boring af.

Complete bs we must be playing diffrent games.

Most of my games are at least 10 turns min right now unless play vs warlock. This is the best expansion in around 5-6 years.

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We are definitely playing different games. If I see another spell damage combo druid I’m gonna puke. The elemental rogue and demon hunter also suck. Please nerf em all into the ground, I’ll take the warriors over this garbage any day.

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You’re the most blatant fanboi I’ve ever seen. You’re just copying and pasting the same shilling comment on every thread. Touch some grass bro.


That’s pretty much their response to everything. A mana increase won’t make a shred of difference with ramp, they would literally need to just remove the virus module to actually make a change work.

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For most cards mana increase can work just fine. But not in this case. It can be cheated out early and tutored too so they need to redesing the card text. Or it will keep getting problematic.


Sorry bro i hardly see druid at all. I said elemetal mage if i was refering to any elemental deck.

Honestly idk a class than dont have a deck that cant deal with druid right now skunds like a get gud issue. Infact druids winrate is A- tier at best.

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What a lame reply. Don’t you realize OTK is toxic to any meta in HS because there is 0 counterplay? If that OTK can be performed on t6-8, then any deck that can’t win by then is out of the format by default. There’s no git gud when there’s no counterplay. You are braindead.

Ok, wow, so there’s some netdecks you can play that have a good matchup against it because they’re designed to do so, therefore meta not bad? Are you delusional?

I agree. Put it in the hall of fame. It’s in EVERY SINGLE DECK! Not fun whatsoever. What the ffffff are they thinking?!

Stay silent please. Every post I see of yours is “I didn’t see any so it’s not happening”. You’re not the only player, also playing 10 games isn’t a large enough sample and also Druid is a problem. Just because you’re a Druid player doesn’t mean you can just gaslight and pretend it’s not a problem. Just like zilliax and the cards that mana cheat. Give your head a shake

Get used to it . It’s just gotten worse

Then there’s no reason to remove Zilliax.

You’re going to run into decks/players that can beat the deck(s) you use. It’s the nature of card games. No one has 100% win rate (not counting someone playing a few times, winning, then quitting of course that would be a silly argument).

if you ran a different deck, you only get counter by other decks like flood pally or pain lock. then you try to build a deck around that and then something else will be your deck. How do I know because that happen to me since this expansion launch and I struggle to get to pass gold rank because of these broken cards that this team didn’t test it out.

you mean the deck that loses to swipe?

you mean the deck that loses to swipe? Or literally just 10 burst damage to face?

one from boom
one from 1 hydration
and another one from the second hydration…

so waves of 1 each …