Unending velen that deals dmg

Common · Minion · The Grand Tournament · Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to a random enemy.

why not just add one of these to the mix?


It’s ‘infinite’ velen, but only up to 7. So I guess 7 damage only? And not +spell damage adjusted.

Well, every time one of the Velen die it’ll re-triggering that 1 damage, but uhh… Velen swings for 7, so this would just be adding insult to injury.

Does the new card have draenei tribe tag on it?? I know it’s definitely draenei but you gave us old pic.

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SHHHHHH why the heck are you revealing my secrets? I did this a few weeks ago.

And unfortunately, found a bug. If you trigger Velen via another card, these don’t go off =(
The animation shows them going off, but they don’t.

So a Xyrella after 100 Velens die doesn’t trigger a single Velen despite the animations going off and showing this card dealing a potential 100-200 damage. Shame.

Plus side: Mage hates this. They have Iceblock up and you have Velen on board and they do their infinite freeze kill iceblock combo that they do in wild, they eventually kill themselves. Funny when it happens.

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And you still think the Devs made Infinite Velens on purpose.

Yeah, I don’t call people liars unless I have proof they are lying. That’s generally how that works.