Uncraftable cards on reward track

I’ve read this argument a week or two ago, and its legitimacy has caused it to stick with me. I ponder whether Activision Blizzard could’ve made more profit if the game’s aesthetics were allowed to be displayed optimally and not locked behind anything.


i’ve had a mild form of actual ocd since i was younger. the fact my cards don’t “match” when some of them could be gold, but not all of them? really…ugh.

See, this is a big one for me, too! I legit don’t like the gold. It literally hurts my eyes to star at them for extended periods and I dust every one I get that I can.

I HATE that when you copy a deck list it assumes you want the golden version any time it is available, so I have to go take the damn things out for all the core cards now.

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yes its extremely annoying to me. it triggers me so hard i can’t get rid of the stupid cards. the regular ones that come in packs? i just rage de them and use the dust to create different less annoying cards. lol

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How exactly? They cost nothing so how do they take resources?

The uncraftable gold cards are actually a good resource for players getting (back) into the game, with some guaranteed cards like Venomous Scorpid and Mor’shan Watch Post (though now that’s nerfed). Players can get the first bunch of levels very quickly and then use these cards right away.

Sure, if you already had the gold from playing previously and buy 50+ Barrens packs, then not having these cards are a non-issue. So there’s no real collection value in gaining these extra uncraftable golden copies.

What is potentially an issue with this approach is that it could be subtly taking our sources of dust away. We’ve already had Hall of Fame dust taken away, the Core Set is free cards but not cards you get to choose, and arguably the duplicate changes can hurt your dust collection a bit? (not sure on this one).

Why is this important? Because having dust means you get to choose what cards you want to craft. Keeping dust scarce limits that flexibility of being able to craft some epics/legendaries, and for a lot of people, spending dust to craft a full deck is far more appealing than building up your collection to be able to play lots of different decks in the future.

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I would fully support them having cards at different points on the track. That is fine.

But dead cards that are golden versions isn’t, imo, the best way to do it.

Like, I would be all in if the cards were not golden and then reward was “Discover an Epic card from the current expansion” and they popped up three you don’t have and let you pick. Doesn’t even have to be golden. That would really, really be a good reward in helping people get cards they need/want.

Diamond cards are meant to be a luxury item to get people to spend money. You either need the tavern pass or all legendaries in the set to get a diamond. Since there are also normal and golden versions of those cards, the diamond cards are an appearance upgrade. Blizzard needs to make money somehow, so I have no problem with a few diamond cards.

I do have mixed feelings on gold cards. The animations can be nice, but I wish we had other border options with the animated cards. Shiny gold is not an aesthetic I would associate with a warlock.

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The rewards track is a disaster. I don’t want the cards I can’t dust and I don’t want the packs. Before you could clear your daily quest in 3-5 games and daily get 50-75 gold. This has made the game a grind.

I have read the whole post and no one mentions the obvious problem with this idea. If these uncraftable cards ever become key cards people who didn’t play during that season for any reson can never get them. Increasing the paranoia and bad habits of logging in when you dont wan’t to play.

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You can craft all of these cards except for Mankrik (and that one requires zero grind to obtain). The reward track just gives you the golden version of the cards for free.

And of course, they also drop from packs.