Unable to win on ladder

Need help i just cant to my usual rank games feel abit polarised i just cant win please help.

On top of that i concede prematurly sometimes turn 1 alot.

I’m not an expert, but this might be a large part of your issue, idk.

Sounds like tilt.

Playing out your hands and games is important. This game can turn really fast with a mistake or a draw or a discover.

What deck are you playing right now?

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This is the deck im using yeh im tilted im used to getting at least certain ranks but this meta feels so polarised i am super tilted i concede turn 1 multiple games in a row thats not normal or instant of conceding i just close the game i am gona take a break i just dislike the meta i gues and thats ok.

Excavate Rogue

Class: Rogue

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

2x (0) Preparation

2x (0) Shadowstep

2x (1) Bloodrock Co. Shovel

2x (1) Breakdance

2x (1) Stick Up

2x (2) Kaja’mite Creation

2x (2) Kobold Miner

2x (2) Thistle Tea Set

2x (2) Watcher of the Sun

2x (3) Antique Flinger

1x (3) Velarok Windblade

1x (4) Drilly the Kid

1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame

1x (4) Mechagnome Guide

2x (5) Burrow Buster

2x (5) Sandbox Scoundrel

1x (6) Flik Skyshiv

1x (7) Tess Greymane


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

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Are you away that Excavate Rogue was listed as the last deck in Tier 4 D4-1 in the last VS report?

While I’m sure you are having some issues related to your play, I don’t think the deck you’ve picked is ideal for ladder climbing.

I feel the deck is ok im just struggling to be calm on ladder if a person concedes turn 1alot it means they r bad mental shape i just to get my normal rank but because i cant climb i get negative titled and upset.

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THe numbers say the deck is bad, though.

Even if you’re a really good Rogue player, you’re setting yourself up to fail with that deck in this meta is my point.

Virus rogue is much better if you have the cards to try that one? Idk, maybe there’s another deck that would give you a better chance at a good match up spread.

Excavate rogue deck is back this week to higher ranks!

I played against it left and right on all 3 servers and I’ve seen streamers include it in their roullette rotation.

However, none of them is crazy enough to run Ignis xDD That’s just not your win con.

Here’s what I found on hs.guru (it’s expensive, 6 legendaries):



Thanks guys i just need to calm down its not how i well used to be i used to so happy and will just not tilted on ladder some days im ok others i am beyond tilted and concede turn 1 alot.

Hopefully i can be old self soon again i was doing well then i relapsed thanks for the advice starting today i am done getting upset.

Im gona stop getting upset and not concede turn 1 starting now and start enjoying the game.

Hopefully one day i can be free of getting tilted on ladder its not who i am as person truely i mean that thanks guys.

I wil check out the rogue list too it looks fun :smiley:

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Do yourself a favor and play a strong deck.
Nobody enjoys playing Ranked with a deck that doesn’t win.

Take a break for one full day. Clearly you are on tilt. You don’t really want to play, you just want wins and you want them with great impatience. Go outside and enjoy nature or something. (That’s me trying to say “touch grass” but in a non rude way.)

Edit: I only read the OP before writing this reply

Don’t go feeling bad bro. I logged in today because there was a bunch of news about HS I was hearing about. They nerfed DH weapon, talking about a bunch of balance changes to cards coming, the weeklies got buffed for exp, but requiring a stupid amount of garbage to finish lmao.

I bothered doing a daily of play 3 games as X class (I picked Shaman and tossed some junk in for Battlecries quest weekly). Then flopped over to rank because we now have to win 10 ranked games as well for weekly?

I didn’t even notice this season is actually almost over because I am just at Plat rank. And last season I didn’t even hit Legend. This will be the lowest rank I have finished at in a longass time lol. The game is just mediocre I’m sorry. I even saw a new event today with pick a side, and it’s like…wooo? Maybe I got the quests done in the 3 games I bothered with lol. You’re conceding turn 1, I at least tried to make it to turn 5 cause that’s as low as you can go to get it to count for playing X game quests :rofl:.

It’s a cycle that repeats itself.
Taking a break won’t change anything; you’ll come back to the same situation. What’s needed is the mental resilience to accept the outcome of the game.

It’s a tough journey, and playing with a mediocre deck doesn’t make it any easier. In my opinion, OP should switch to a better deck and prioritize winning over fun. Fun becomes irrelevant when you’re losing consistently.

In that case, take a break permanently. Hearthstone isn’t worth driving yourself crazy.

This game is full of decks that win by turn 6 or earlier, be it otk shaman, a good draw by a wheel lock or zamari priest. It’s easy to get tilted when you get rolled over by a perfect draw from these decks or other’s.

There are very few middle ground options in this meta, your playing one of the few decks that can kind of go toe to toe with any deck, but the cost for playing it is your need decent to good RNG on your rolls from scorpion and other’s to compete.

There’s no deck in the meta that has non polarized match ups, so just take it as it comes. Often times a otk will not be able to kill you the turn they flash and you will be able to come back and kill them, but if you concede as soon as you see flash you won’t know. Yes that’s unfortunate you have to sit thru their bs otk attempt, but that’s what this game has become. So until they address player agency, your looking at a game where everyone is just trying to draw into their I win card.

I don’t disagree at all.
This isn’t the first time a thread like this from the same person has been posted. If you’re not enjoying your time, you shouldn’t force yourself to play. And this isn’t about assigning blame. I genuinely care about OP’s well-being.

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No offense, but I don’t understand how you get tilted/triggered by Hearthstone. I only ever got tilted by RuneScape as a child while PKing, but I was hugely emotionally invested (addicted really). Do you think you may have the same problem?

I only find myself getting tilted in Hearthstone when my opponent consistently draws better and essentially “steals” the win. It’s something I and others should work on since it’s part of the game, but everyone knows the frustration of losing due to a draw difference. It’s the moment when you feel like you’ve lost control, and skill stops being the deciding factor.

I can get feeling bad because of something like that, but not angry. Not tilted to the point of swaying your ability to play properly. I dunno.

This tells me you simply lack the self awareness that your play is suffering due to your emotional state. We are not machines, but or minds are incredibly good at biasing our thoughts with no visible evidence of it to us, other than an objective lower performance.

Even poker pros get titled periodically, and part of the game is realizing when you are, a highly non trivial thing to do.