Played Lady Darkvein, her 2 Shadow Manifestions loaded with Enchroaching Insanity and a Void Virtuoso, have 2 mana left.
Enemy have two Val’kyr Champions
Get error message when i wanna use my Chaotic Consumption, this lost me my game since they died after on enemy turn.
What was the error message?
don’t remember. unplayable i think. got error sound.
hsreplay. net/replay/bbedjQ4jZaefX6P3tvtTTh
need to manually remove space before “net”
I think it doesn’t see buffed minions as alive.
Just played vs Zerg DK, he had an Infestor (deathrattle +1/+1) that had been buffed 3 times. From 3/2 to 6/3, meaning it had taken 2 damage.
Now, what I think happened is that the game saw the 2 damage and thought “well, that minion must be dead then”.