Unable to begin Mystery in the Barrens - Hunter Challenge

As of 22/04/23, I appear unable to commence the Mystery in the Barrens - Hunter Challenge.

The challenge requires the following 5 cards to be played on a given turn, with no additional cards played: Quick Shot, Overwhelm, Snake Trap, Adorable Infestation, Dire Frenzy. Upon doing so in a Practice Mode game, a ??? card should be generated which, when played, commences the Challenge.

I have attempted to launch the challenge twice, once with the following deck code:

Custom Hunter

Class: Hunter

Format: Wild

2x (1) Adorable Infestation

2x (1) Jeweled Macaw

2x (1) Overwhelm

2x (1) Wolpertinger

2x (2) Dragonbane Shot

2x (2) Imprisoned Felmaw

2x (2) Quick Shot

2x (2) Scavenger’s Ingenuity

2x (2) Snake Trap

2x (2) Tame Beast (Rank 1)

2x (3) Deadly Shot

2x (3) Pack Kodo

2x (4) Dire Frenzy

2x (4) Piercing Shot

2x (5) Teacher’s Pet


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

And again with this second deck code:

Custom Hunter

Class: Hunter

Format: Wild

2x (1) Adorable Infestation

2x (1) Jeweled Macaw

2x (1) Overwhelm

2x (1) Wolpertinger

2x (2) Dragonbane Shot

2x (2) Imprisoned Felmaw

2x (2) Quick Shot

2x (2) Scavenger’s Ingenuity

2x (2) Snake Trap

2x (2) Tame Beast (Rank 1)

2x (3) Deadly Shot

2x (3) Pack Kodo

2x (4) Dire Frenzy

2x (4) Piercing Shot

2x (5) Teacher’s Pet


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Neither of these two deck lists trigger the ??? to be generated when all conditions are satisfied.

I suspect the reason for this is that the Hunter challenge specifically was established to require the Core version of Snake Trap, however as of April 2023, Snake Trap has been removed from Core. This leaves only the Legacy version in the game, which is not considered suitable to trigger the challenge. My reasoning for this approach was that when trying the Rogue - Barren’s challenge, the Core version of Plagurise failed, but the Scholomance version of Plagurise succeeded.

For this reason, I attempted it twice with variations on the only card that has a Core/Expansion varient. The distinction between these two codes is that the former uses Quick Shot from Blackrock Mountain, whereas the second uses Quick Shot from Core - Year of the Wolf. However, there was no success with this method.

another ??? Mysteries of Castle Natharia challenge isn’t currently working/launching either :frowning:

Hopefully Blizzard can get both of these resolve at once.

The best explanation I have from what I experienced with the Rogue - Barrens challenge is that the challenges are coded to only trigger when the correct version of the correct cards are played.

In the case of the Rogue challenge, copying a decklist auto-used the Core version of Plagurise, which wouldn’t trigger the challenge. If you replaced it with the Scholomance version of Plagurise, the challenge would trigger.

I suspect the same thing has happened with the Hunter Challenge, where it was previously looking for the Core version of Snake Trap, but as of rotation, Snake Trap has been removed from Core and so only the Legacy version exists. However the Legacy version is not suitable to trigger the challenge.

It is very possible that the exact same issue is now causing the Nathria puzzle to not launch correctly, as certain checks require Core versions of the cards that no longer exist as of Rotation.


this is good feedback (way better than customer support could provide)!. I’ll experiment some this week, and circle back my findings, if I can find a replacement card for Ooze (I’m assuming Ooze is the issue, as it’s the only card that doesn’t import properly)

NOTE: I’m troubleshooting this issue for Mysteries of Castle Natharaia, not Mysteries of Phoenix, though all seem to be having issues now.

Thanks again!

I suspect the challenge isn’t working for a lot of factors actually. Looking at the requirements to start the challenge vs the changes to the coreset, it is likely the challenge required:

  • Core Murloc Tinyfin
  • Core Acidic Swamp Ooze
  • Core Mossy Horror
  • Core Krag’wa, the Frog

All of which left the Core set with rotation. So check all of them to see if they are instead pulling in the non-core versions from your various wild sets like Rastakhan and Witchwood.


The fourth part of the Barrens Mystery Challenge is still not working because of the core set changes (snake trap is no longer in core, and the legacy one doesn’t trigger the challenge). I hope this gets fixed soon. It’s kind of annoying that I already did the first three of them just to not be able to complete the fourth one.


I gave it a try today with various types of decks but didn’t receive the mystery-card.
When will this issue finally be fixed?


It appears the challenges are being looked into right now.


Hey, thank you very much fo the answer!
Let’s hope it will be fixed soon

Has anyone been able to get the Hunter puzzle to trigger?

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I tried it out again a few minutes ago. Still doesn’t work… Any news…?

Step 4 - Hunter puzzle in barrens still not working for me

Looks like we have confirmation from Celestalon that the Hunter Challenge specifically will be fixed with the next expansion. The tweet was on September 22nd, and TITANS launched in August. So alongside the 3rd expansion of the year, the Hunter Challenge will be fixed

UPDATE (Showdown in the Badlands)

I can confirm that by using the following deck:

Custom Hunter

Class: Hunter

Format: Wild

2x (1) Adorable Infestation

2x (1) Jeweled Macaw

2x (1) Overwhelm

2x (1) Wolpertinger

2x (2) Dragonbane Shot

2x (2) Imprisoned Felmaw

2x (2) Quick Shot

2x (2) Scavenger’s Ingenuity

2x (2) Snake Trap

2x (2) Tame Beast (Rank 1)

2x (3) Deadly Shot

2x (3) Pack Kodo

2x (4) Dire Frenzy

2x (4) Piercing Shot

2x (5) Teacher’s Pet


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

As of the latest patch (Showdown in the Badlands), the Hunter Challenge is now working as expected. I have just completed it and got the Mystery of the Barrens Card Back.


they fixed? because i tried and nothing.

Make sure when you attempt to trigger the challenge that your deck is not using the Core version of the cards. If you copy the deck code above, HS may attempt to substitute the Core version of cards in some places.

Fixed, I finished hunter secret and got reward