Two New Hunter Wild Spirit Cards

These can summon the same Wildseeds as the already revealed Spirit Poacher.

The still unrevealed Hunter Legendary Aralon seems likely to be part of this archetype too, since he appears in the art for Wild Spirits.

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Does anyone know if Wild Spirits is a “rest of game” effect or just the ones that are currently dormant on board? Because that would be pretty strong if it’s for the rest of the game. It’s a decent card even if it only pertains to the dormant Wildseeds on board.

Stag Charge could slot right into Quest Hunter/Big Beast Hunter/Aggro Hunter. That’s a really good card imo.

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If it was rest of the game it would say “this game” or “rest of the game” like every other card that does something for the rest of the game.


It doesn’t say “this game” or “for the rest of this game”, so it should be just the current ones that are on the board (including any the were there before the spell was cast).

There’s a gameplay video that was part of the reveal video if you want to see it in action.

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Tbf, that one spell would make the Wildseed mechanics kind of busted if it was rest of game. Still probably playable though, getting the Stag in 2 turns instead of 3 is a big deal.

Gotta say, to me these Wildseeds seem to be the strongest kit of the set so far, specially Spirit Poacher. And they can fit seemingly into any preexisting archetype.

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Great…hope everyone is ready for more Quest Hunter.

Oh good, another Hunter spell that can go face. They were lacking those.

Remember when Hunter & Mage had like 3-5 spells each that could go face (and 2 of those were pretty bad). Now they have 6-7 totally efficient face spells. Great.

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Is Ara’lon supposed to be the rightmost guest in the Castle Nathria poster art, i.e. ?
Wow, he really dressed up for the party.
Dream on:

Ara’lon, 6 Mana 4/5

Summon a random Wild Seed to either side of you. Awaken all dormant Wild Seeds

P.S. Here’s a “slide show cinematic” of him in Shadowlands. Beware, spoilers ahead!

Wow, the first card is completely broken!