[Twist] So I´ve played new seasson and

Played some more and now convinced, Arfus is overwhelmingly overpowered currently. Anyone saying he needs “buffs” is playing him horribly wrong. The amount of value he can generate from literally just doing nothing is insane.

Keep fighting him and focusing entirely on board, and he focuses entirely on face, and wins BOTH because of the overwhelming amount of value he making, even though I am playing control.

Was having so much fun with this mode, but now just facing back to back to back to back to back Arfus, each with the same result, generating overwhelming amounts of value with no risk, across all classes of excavate pools, just so insanely oppressive.
Stopping playing this till Arfus gets fixed or something, idk, this is just so onesided.

edit; crafted and tried him out…yep, onesided, not even trying and outvalueing everyone 4:1

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I bought (100 gp) an Ashes of Outlands to get an easy Kaelthas and find him to be one of the stronger heroes.

Other obnoxious entities are N’zoth (endless deathrattles); Patches (a worse experience than wild Pirate rogue); Arfus is just disgusting (endless excavates from all classes, so you can Ox on t4 if you’re lucky); Omu is Adapted treant aggro spam and since most heroes lack clear its very strong; C’thun spams dudes while buffing himself for that OTK (biggest I got so far was 44/50 C’thun OTK); Jenkins can kill you early if they get the “all dudes less than 3 cost have charge” minion on t1.

Not as good as duels, but more fun than Standard or Wild ladders imo. Will be playing more. See yas out there.

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So tell me did I play a cheat? Dude started with some warlock deck and no cards in deck. He went first. Played a card that said all his minions cost 0…then played 3 cards that do 20 damage to me at end of turn. So I’m dead before I even get a turn. I’m guessing is a hack

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I’ve yet to have anyone draw more than 3 bombs with 20 plus I’ve put in their decks. It’s rigged

Yea thats a hacker. Aint no decks in Twist with 0 cards…

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  • we’re aware of the very recent twist developments and are actively working on it. i won’t go into details here, but yes, we know and we have people on it for a fix ASAP



Yes this is what happens when you put micro transactions ahead of game security or game development. It’s not just hearthstone …it’s the video game industry in general. The glory days of companies putting out solid games are over. They are all micro transaction money grabs that a re broken and glitchy. It’s sad…greed has killed what was once the best hobby of our lives.

Even tavern brawls have better design. Played 5 games 4 arfus and a t1 otk cheater. Never queuing this garbage again.

Gamemode is literally unplayable

Yeah, that’s currently my favorite I think. I might be a little op, but I think it’s fine. It has a nice matchup against Leeroy, since his passive hero power helps you maximize the battlecry minions’ value while continuing to play slightly above curve.

For people running into a lot of Arfus, has anyone tried Zuljin? It seems like that deck could be an effective counter cause it’s fast and can really gum up their hand and keep their board clear.

If they nerf the arfus deck just make it so he only gets the DK one

I’ve heard that Arfus can’t excavate the Azerite Murloc which seems weird and would likely lower its winrate. Can’t tell if it’s a bug or on purpose because they know that card is complete garbage and should never have been a legendary excavate reward.

That’s an actual bug:

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Shoulda known to check the known issues lol.

I assume the winrate will drop a bit once the bug is fixed

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From what ive seen:

S Tier

  • Arfus - the excavate treasures are way too much value to get that quickly. Some games you just win because ox. The hero power to discount constantly in a dk deck with no spenders is running up the score. Since Arfus is trash tier legendary this looks like a dust sponge.
  • Patches - pirate rogue. Enough said. Probably not a dust sponge because everyone crafted him anyways.

A Tier

  • Al Akkir - a deck made up of legendaries that all can either 6 to the face or heal 12.
  • Brann - understatted battlecries become reasonable beasts. Just massive up front value
    DH - just massive face. Honestly a boring deck to play against and hearthstone doesn’t need more face aggro dh

B (balanced) Tier

  • Lich King - needs a bit more draw

D (bad) Tier

  • Cthun - far too slow. No removal.
  • Dr Boom - Bombs are busted. Will go up a tier or two if rng fixes - and will need to be nerfed because a mech flood deck with rng otk will not be fun to play against.
    Kael - pure rng, no consistency

Haven’t played the others, mostly because they don’t look fun or I don’t want to craft a crap legend. Haven’t seen most of them either.

I am probably doing something wrong, but I keep running out of gas when I play Arfus. It probably also has to do with the fact most games are mirrors, but I start out strong and then I always end up running out of cards and lose. I am probably not playing it very well because somehow my Arfus opponents are beasts and I am simply topdecking. I miss draw in that deck.

That’s most my losses as him most my early wins is turn 4 ox

Also everyone is blaming arfus right now but when he gets nerfed dr boom and a few others will dominate

Yes. Hacking is out of control in twist atm.

Same deal as duels a few months ago, they’re making decks using uncollectible cards.

It has been arfus and hackers since I lost my bonus stars.

It’s very much unplayable until the whole mode isn’t arfus mirrors.

This peaked my interest so I thought I’d play some Bomb heavy Warrior standard. Even when played late the Bomb consistency is so poor. Which makes sense, just because you’ve put X amount of bombs in a deck does not mean your opponent will draw the same amount of bombs.

But blimey, it just feels so bad. And weirdly, far less consistent than Plagues.

Dr boom deck puts 20+ bombs in decks and they never draw them. It’s the craziest thing