[Twist] So I´ve played new seasson and

…oh boy, it is fun! Granted, I ´ve played only 3 games so far and only with one deck. It is whacky, but not crazy like some Tawer Brawls. It was refresing.
Only downside for me is that as relatively new (playing for 2 years) and free to play, most of the decks are locked for me. Still I got like 6 (or 8?) decks to try.
Speaking of that, is there some other way then crafting how to get some cards? Like from Adventures? I mean, when you read description of Adventures there is said the cards you get as a reward (I suppose) are usable only in wild. Could be old Bran (for example) one of the rewards?

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All I see is a random mess, it’s fun, fun but not competitive at all at this moment.
Maybe, when more games will be played, we will get 2-4 decks which will be the meta.

The mage deck which reduces everything and then reduces everything and finally reduces everything can go burn in a volcano, but everything else so far is a lot of fun.

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Having just played a game as Dr Boom, put 26 bombs in my opponents deck for them to only draw 1, I’d like to revise my earlier statement.

Just played and the xyrella deck can be removed.

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You got 4 for free from the core set
2 almost free locked behind a legendary that is offered when opening your first pack of certain expansions

All the others you have to craft/open in packs

You mean unless you alteady have them, right?

Yeah obviously, if you already have them you already got the deck unlocked

Just played agains a mage deck where it got so many spells, that i missed the full turn on the legendary that repeat everything it played with spells. Whoever did this decks doesn’t test them at all imo.

I played a couple games and the fact that most of the decks don’t have duplicates makes the game incredibly boring.

I think it had real potential, but so far I don’t think the decks are interesting enough for my tastes.

I played a bunch of games and I gotta say I had fun. Very short-lived fun tho, I can’t imagine playing this for more than a week. But more fun than I expected to have for sure.

Those store bundles tho… Holy


i mean i’d like to participate, but since the better heroes are locked behind old legendaries which i do not have its back to standard for me

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Arfus will need adjusting for sure.


Yeah, that wasn’t one I flagged as busted till I played against it.

Right now it seems Zuljin, leeroy, Arfus and the blood elf are the best decks.

I did enjoy the cthun deck, as per usual.

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Al’Akir is also busted. Any minion on the board needs to be dealt with twice basically. HP should cost minimum 2.

Kept playing Boom and something has to be done about the RNG with his bombs, considering they are the main gimmick to the build.

Every other character can consistently use their power (to an extent), but Boom’s power is basically pointless if no bombs are drawn the entire game.

Just had a game where opponent had 75% bombs in deck, 25% cards, yet kept drawing cards, didnt draw a SINGLE BOMB the entire game.

Possibly something like Cthuns Avenge counter, but a bit more, like every 3 friendly minions die, make opponent draw one of your bombs?
Ofc numbers need tuning, but just an idea, cuz whats there right now is silly.

Its like playing Cthun in constructed, but you need RNG to draw Cthun.
Cuz currently Cthun starts in the opening hand, so they clearly thought about Cthun atleast.

Also imo Leeroy should have the lifesteal cards just hard yeeted out of the build, his hero power is bonkers strong enough as is, its supposed to only have a minor drawback of costing some health of nuking early on. Currently with said lifesteal minions, there is no drawback and he just dominates the entire game.

Its a new cool thing just done 3games with the bomb warrior deck 1win and 2losses.
I just cant figure out the reson for me to sit on 6bonus star lvl considering that I have not been playing twist mode before. Is it counting your standard rank?

Brann Bronzebeard is fun. You get loads of value, and Swampqueen Hagatha is sick. Plus playing Gigafin just for its deathrattle to be negated by the transformation, and instead you get some other valuable minion feels like cheating.

N’zoth also looks like it would be fun, but I don’t have that one.

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Played some more and now convinced, Arfus is overwhelmingly overpowered currently. Anyone saying he needs “buffs” is playing him horribly wrong. The amount of value he can generate from literally just doing nothing is insane.

Keep fighting him and focusing entirely on board, and he focuses entirely on face, and wins BOTH because of the overwhelming amount of value he making, even though I am playing control.

Was having so much fun with this mode, but now just facing back to back to back to back to back Arfus, each with the same result, generating overwhelming amounts of value with no risk, across all classes of excavate pools, just so insanely oppressive.
Stopping playing this till Arfus gets fixed or something, idk, this is just so onesided.

edit; crafted and tried him out…yep, onesided, not even trying and outvalueing everyone 4:1

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I bought (100 gp) an Ashes of Outlands to get an easy Kaelthas and find him to be one of the stronger heroes.

Other obnoxious entities are N’zoth (endless deathrattles); Patches (a worse experience than wild Pirate rogue); Arfus is just disgusting (endless excavates from all classes, so you can Ox on t4 if you’re lucky); Omu is Adapted treant aggro spam and since most heroes lack clear its very strong; C’thun spams dudes while buffing himself for that OTK (biggest I got so far was 44/50 C’thun OTK); Jenkins can kill you early if they get the “all dudes less than 3 cost have charge” minion on t1.

Not as good as duels, but more fun than Standard or Wild ladders imo. Will be playing more. See yas out there.

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