Twist Mistakes and buffs

I love twist. I liked the pauper format. I like that theyre trying here. But this new version of twist has such a glaring flaw. You have to recraft cards that are in the core set. To explain, Jaraxxus is core right now. You have to craft his CLASSIC version to play him in twist. The difference is one has a hearthstone logo and the other has a wolf. Despite this weird money grabbing oversight, you STILL can use the buffed versions of the original cards. 4 health acolyte, one mana slam. It is a absolute mistake in terms of balance and it makes a mode that was designed to be fresh with a low barrier to entry another PTW lite mode. Come on blizzard, I dont even know why I'm surprised at this point. This could've been such an easy W for you.

Nothing about this mode suggested a low barrier to entry.

Quite the opposite, this mode is a playground for those of us with extensive collections that are unused.

They released new content for the mode, which further suggests there was never an intent to have a low barrier to play the mode competitively.

You have to own the card to use it, and you do not own core cards. This is not a change and is working as intended.