Twist condition that makes Leroy OP

Every time I have played against Leroy the random condition has been “Cards cost 1 less”. Leroy has a lot to gain from this since he takes one damage less from every card he plays, making him a miracle paladin powerhouse. It’s impossible to keep up with and needs to be disabled for Leroy or remove the random condition from the format.

Losing to this ridiculous hero because of a random condition is unacceptable, but you know what else in unacceptable? How OP the Lich King is in Twist. He’s the first hero that needs to be nerfed and it doesn’t matter if he’s less popular because he’s boring. When you are matched against him it’s almost a guaranteed loss and that shouldn’t be the case for any game mode.

Twist can be fun but I’m starting to give up on the whole format because of the poor balance.

Twist does not have random conditions. Passive powers are always same.

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