Twist: can we just disable Arfus till the balance

I’m tired of facing him and playing him

I agree 1000%. Its rediculous. Just ban the deck until it’s nerfed. Simple. Effective.

Sadly, the “nerf” is just going to be Arfus starting health is 30 instead of 35. They already stated that’s how they plan on doing balance changes for Twist.

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I haven’t played a ranked match in ages. Today I checked Twist and was surprised to see I had access to all the decks. I tried the Arfus one since I seen others talking about it and went 6 - 0. I am guessing that yes, it must be a great deck for me to go on a heater like that.

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Just looks like another air quotes “boring” excavate deck to me. Lich King was scarier to fight

Agreed, i want a dust refund on arfus also

Xyrella feels broken too

They aren’t going to refund dust for any changes to the twist decks


Xyrella is literally the worst hero.

It makes no sense why they wouldn’t refund for this. You buy a card to play a deck, you buy a card to play it in a deck…what’s the difference? Clear proof to me that this was slapped together to leech money.

It really feels like there’s just zero playtesting for balance

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Xyrella has a strong effect. (60 hp hero life leech.)

But yeah she definitely has a sit deck with sit tempo. While Brann will have 3x 5/5s and Arfus two excavate treasures with 10 cards, Xyrella will have hero lifesteal on cards that never have enough tempo to stick.

I still think the meta heros are fun. Something has to be #10 but just like quest priest. Current Xyrella is a counter to a deck that no longer exists. Classic fatigue warrior. And even that might win against her with a classic power level alexstraza + gorehowl 15 hp - (8/8+7).

Take away her bad deck and she does have a very promising looking power. AL Akir looked like pretty tame but different design. But yeah Xyrella has a classic- powerlevel in a duels+ power level game mode. You could beat Xyrella with a arena deck.