Twist Bomb draw

Game 1. 32 bombs in their deck they draw 3

Game 2. 21 bombs. 1 draw

Game 3 23 bombs .draw 10

Game 4. 33 bombs draw 0!!!

This is rigged

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Consider the opponents deck size man. If Nozdormu already has to look through 40+ cards for what he wants what the odds he’ll find what you want if his decks at 70+

You do know that max deck size is 60 right ?

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It is 60 and it isn’t.

In other words:
The max deck size is in fact 60 but this is the max you can have at the same time.

So considering he drew cards during the game it is perfectly viable to shuffle enough cards to have a total of 70 he could draw during the game but since they weren’t at the same time you will not go over the max deck limit.

With that said. Dr. Boom is weak in this mode exactly because of the extended decks and the odds are dumbly low for the opponent to even draw one because of it.
In fact he shuffles too little amount of bombs.

If devs even consider adjusting it they should use the dalaran heist hero power type of bombs where you shuffle 2 bombs that deal 3 damage instead of 1 that deals 5.

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OP doesn’t know how odds work. More at 11.

It does seem whack. To get to that many bombs, turns have passed, and there should be like a 66% chance of drawing one each turn, give or take.

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