Trinket Shop "Flash" of Light

Can you guys please remove the flash of light that appears just before the trinket shop appears? It’s really bad for people (like me) with accessibility issues who still want to enjoy the game.

Thank you.

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This. The patch has been out less than a week and I’ve gotten so frustrated with it that I uninstalled.

man I so support you, idk about shop, but each time I try to play BG and trinket are ready this FLASH OF F… LIGHT. and EYES??? does Blizzard think about our eyes?
I dont know actually why so much special effects, in battle pass f.e. when you take reward omg - for whole screen…If the game is good nothing of special effects is needed. Ok if you need add some, but Its only NEGATIVE impression from the game, when it herts eyes.
You, BLIZZARD, dont know what about just good elegant game, with your special effects you just make a dirty ketchup (CHEAP game without good content) from the game.