Top 1500 no 11 stars


Today, 1st of November 2021, I climbed to rank 1402 around 1 hour before the season reset on NA server.
As the season resets, I got 10 bonus stars. Isn’t finishing top 1500 gave you 11 stars? I finished around the same rank before (on June) and I did get 11 stars.
Please help

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Blizzard’s word seems to be that there is no set Legend rank associated with eleven stars; rather you have to be in a top percentage of Legend players in your region as ranked by MMR. According to some rather old (2 years ago) Reddit posts I found this worked out to about 1100 or 1200 in North America at the time. You probably have to climb higher now. Since MMR doesn’t correspond exactly to Legend ranking, it can be somewhat variable in what Legend ranking you need, as well.


I want to say it’s top 10% of legend/mmr, so a more active month (expansion released) may be too 1500 and less active months it may be too 1200


This sure makes gettign high legend alot harder but it will be worth it 11 stars nom nom lol.

To be honest, 11 stars is pointless. 9 and 10 stars are more than enough. You’ll get to Diamond 5 with 9/10/11 stars extremely fast…after Diamond 5, the stars aren’t used, so what’s the point?

When they first released the system I had 11 stars so I must have been in top MMR. Breezed through to Diamond 5 then the stars go away. Then I stopped playing for awhile, came back and had 9 stars. Breezed through to Diamond 5 and stars went away.

I couldn’t even tell a difference.

I usualy have ten stars and sometimes the grind is real D.

That’s very strange. Do you really have a hard time getting to Diamond 5 from Diamond 10? You get win streak bonuses. I don’t see how 11 stars compared to 10 stars really helps here.

Because 11 stars gets you to Legend easily with a 50% win rate from D5.

As for OP, were you top 1500 in standard ? Because top 1500 in wild is far from high Legend.

the grind is to legend is sometimes hard sometimes quick i get to diamond 5 in one day usualy, the extra star per win in d 5 would be usefull :).

Huh? Stars don’t work from Diamond 5 to Legend. Did they change that? I swear when I was 11 stars when it first started I got no bonuses from Diamond 5 to Legend.

There’s a extra hidden level for really high legend mmr where they get the 2x star bonus through d5 to legend, but to get it, you have to be extremely high mmr enough to have been a top legend player anyways. Pretty much the people who don’t need it can get it.

Ah, gotcha. I was unaware. Ty

U see this is my problem im diamond 4 now its 1 star per win instead of 2 i mean honestly just give all legend players 2 stars >< rofl

I can see where Diamond 5 to Legend can be annoying. Even with a 60% win ratio you need to play a lot of games.

I dont mind the grind i like playing hearthstone alot.
But would like to be where you pro players are ;p and get there faster goodluck too all.

You had 10 stars, not 11.

11 stars gives you 2 stars per win at diamond 5 through Legend.

10 star stops at D5.

No, when the new ranked ladder system first came out I had 11. I am 100% confident in that. There’s likely a post in these forums when that system came out where I state that. I must not be remembering the bonuses I was getting.

If you were not getting 2 stars per win at diamond 5, you had 10 stars, period.

This is factual.

Just as I thought

Looks like you’re right and I’ve been mistaken this entire time. My apologies.

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No problem! We all make mistakes.