Too far? No card should say "for the rest of the game"

Only some of them were good, not all of them. And they weren’t so broken to the point they were nerfed.

You are not remembering the Frost Lich Jaina meta very well if you think the deck was broken or a Tier 1 deck

Back when it was first introduced, it sucked. Hard. It didn’t have a single green matchup.

It was never in a Tier 1 deck ever, even when it rotated out.
You can see Lykotic’s old comment here when it was rotating out:

The complaints about it had nothing to do with its power. It was never a strong Tier 1 deck. If anything, it was an extremely balanced card.

That only proves my earlier point that there’s nothing wrong with the effect of “for the rest of the game” if done right. Jaina was 100% proof that it can be done right.

You may just be remember the Raza Priest meta where Raza was extremely dominant because of its effect. But Jaina wasn’t. I could have listed 10 more rest of the game cards as well, I just chose those 2 because they were some of the earliest ones.