It’s dumber than repeated tsunami jank if it pops off
Just now I had 3 minions going into turn 4, so pop first crusader
Next turn, conman to repeat the aura. I traded one of my 3 minions, but conman basically replaces it (lost a 5/3, gain a 4/4)
Turn after that, oh look it’s my other copy of crusader aura. Might as well! The shaman managed to cast that spell that put 2 0/1 taunts up. Yeah so only one minion his his face on my turn… but it hit him for like 15 and he’s down to 3 health
On his last turn, even with that 6 damage AoE, he couldn’t clear my board.
conman in paladin and mage was a huge mistake
theres some pretty broken stuff you can do in wild
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Just won another game not by repeating crusader, but by repeating… horn of windlord
Opponent is some kind of excavate/burgle rogue. I didn’t draw crusader aura, so he was pushing my board back
My horn was originally meant for burn, but I had to use it up to get rid of his board. We were both killing each other’s boards and doing face damage where we can.
But then I was like “let’s repeat the horn”. I mean it’s still 4 mana get a 4/4 and a 6 mana weapon.
Proceed to remove stuff to stay in the game, then I played sharp shipment to further extend.
Running double flash of light and double vacation planning meant I can afford to swing at minions while drawing towards my burn (even used lynessa to double flash of light, and that’s all she did before dying, but I was drawing real fast for a pally). I’ve said this before miniset, but I do think vacation planning has some role to play in a tourist pally combo deck.
Though really I probably would have lost if I just didn’t have the nutz RNG: trust fall discovering both a rush to keep me alive/divert his attention from my face for first turn, then GRIFTA second turn who just happens to give me an extra 6 damage, along with the leeroy I’ve been holding forever for the lethal. Leeroy was unbuffed, but that’s still 6+6+5 damage buffed horn burst.
Why is my deck full of these dank cards? Like I said, I was messing around with dumb meme decks. I even had a copy of agency espionage waiting for its chance to shine (so far no luck, and not many people expect it to be good)
Wait how do you get those old spells into tourism?
Which old spell? Flash of light is core. Every other spell I’m running is current rotation.
I didn’t get at first the class is literally paladin(had tourists in mind for some reason). OK it’s good to repeat it but it might also be in the hand twice anyway.
Is that minion that good considering it would draw instead of other cards?
I see that the minion has good stats only in Pipsi Paladin variants. These are generally not the fastest paladin decks and they have a higher skill cap.
It makes sense to me because my first instinct for a fast pala is that if it draws the minion and the spells don’t draw fast enough it will cry.
Um… which minion are you talking about?
I was talking about conniving conman, which shouldn’t have interactions with pipsy (no rush, divine shield, or taunt)
But it’s true that my meme deck isn’t the fastest. I find that I do have a lot of ways to setup fancy plays around the mid game. I’m running double flash of light, double vacation planning, double grillmaster, and a gold panner to boot. It’s a lot of draw in the midgame so I could draw pieces to hopefully do something. When I draw fast enough, I find something to repeat with conman. Or I can do lol double crusader aura or some other thing without conman.
Yeah conniving conman was the minion you mentioned. On hsguru I see that some Pipsi Paladins have a good winrate with it. My first intuition appears to be correct; not the greatest on the fastest paladins that have the aura; my idea is that it’s bad in the fastest decks to draw the conman before you draw the aura (they are extremely sensitive to having a lot of their good cards extremely early so there’s no room for cards that turn bad easily).
must be fun we can tutor conman and the aura in wild
i want to try it but i dont have the tourist
im worried about conman being nerfed not long after i craft the tourist
further evidence that the entire pip expansion is a must craft
conman is getting a 1 mana nerf for sure
Well, even the practically free Marin is cracked. Just won another game today thanks to his stupid jank.
First treasure drew 3 and got a 0 mana lynessa and keeper’s strength. Gave me awesome board clear that also buffed lynessa.
Later discovered ignius as legendary and played the one from hand. AKA I shuffled 5 eruptions in my deck and they instantly get upgraded to 4 damage.
Opponent highlander shaman killed 1 and stole another with yogg (his yogg screwed him casting muster for battle, which broke his frog weapon)
One eruption came on my turn (hit for 4), which let me consecrate (without using equailty/pryo, yes I was running them in my meme complete daily deck) to kill most things. Plus my 1 ignius survived again.
Next turn all the rest of the eruptions came through. Lethal.
edit: …ok even though my meme deck was purely for completing a daily, I was like “let’s queue a second time”… I manage to beat a BSM (not tsunami, he also ran volley)
Running equality pyro and also keeper’s strength was actually good to deal his his jank board. Well, a timely lifeguard consecration was also crucial keeping me alive, even if it didn’t wipe his board a 16 heal is no joke.
Espionage was actually helpful as well, giving me a void shard, and I had lynessa so heal for another 8 (hot take: espionage is better in pally than rogue, because lynessa)
Marin wins again cuz he gave me kologarn, so I ruin his volley 10 drop, and also stole his sleet skater to get armor to survive