To many deck just make you rage quite

Why even play anymore you know right away in a few turns that over and just quit playing HS. This is not worth playing anymore if I wanted to play such a fast path I CCG I would play marvel snaps.


Canā€™t say i ever rage quit a vidja game. If my hypothetical child were to rage over that, that child would be banned from games for a long time. If my hypothetical significant other/spouse were to rage over a game, itā€™s right to the doghouse for em.

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Rage quite what? You never finished the sentence. Quite loudly? Quite what?

I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s rage, but thereā€™s a point where you know you need to just walk away.

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I have similar sentiments.

After a hiatus from Standard, I just played 30-40 matches over the last few days between 2 different accounts. Many of my matches were over turn 6 or 7. Was this the design plan from the beginning and I just missed it?

Did first devs say ā€œletā€™s build a digital version of a strategy card game like Magic the Gathering, but we will transform it into a RNG-based game with many broken game ending cards like Yu-Gi-Oh, and the matches will typically be over between turn 6 and 8.ā€

I got the card back, re-rolled the play in ranked quest, and I am done with Standard again for awhile. Why is anyone spending money to buy cards for this game?


I have dr boom and sand castle diamonds :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Iā€™m on the verge of outright uninstalling. For the past week I have literally lost every game in the most improbable BS way possible. Some examples:
-Ran into the only taunt warrior in existence and couldnā€™t draw any board clear whatsoever, despite my deck running 6 different board clears.
-Several instances of Reno Druids pulling Alexstrasza out of their wazoo and OTKing me after I leave 1 minion alive.
-If it isnā€™t Alexstasza, then Reno Druids just pull 8 million lifesteal cards to restore 8 million health.
-Just now got one shotted by Handbuff pally who pulled Amalgam, Sand Castle Rush Legendary, card that gives it stats to a minion, and THE WINDFURY PIRATE all in his OPENING HAND.
-Unkilliax Warriors
-Even if Unkilliax is dealth with Boom Boss/Brann combo. Why Brann has not been completely reworked is beyond my mortal comprehension.
-DKs pulling 5 million copes of Goreblade and OTKing me with Ghouls night.
-Why Concierge does not have the but not less than (1) tag is also beyond my mortal comprehension.
-Thief Rogues literally pulling the perfect cards.
-Couple of game ago, evolve shaman gets both Baron Rivendare, Anubā€™arak, and a high statted legendary, while I only get the 7 mana pally minion that is a 1/1 for some reason.

So yeah, on the verge of uninstalling and not looking back.


Sounds like the algo was doing his thing in your account.

I mean their way to many bad design cards in this that make so easy end the match so fast itā€™s not funny. I mean could list a few zilliax , sonya , lamplighter , boom , Doomkin , new heights and the list go on.

Welcome to the daily Monsterparty doomthread!


Canā€™t say that Iā€™ve rage quit. There are quite a few decks that just make me roll my eyes due to a mix of blatant mana cheating, pulling wins out of your butt because of the RNG gods smiling upon you, or just abusing of broken mechanics. Just HS being HS.

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New way to lose:
-Dominate entire game and 1 turn away from winning, but Spell mage pulls the cost reduction elemental out of their wazoo, duplicates it 4 TIMES with Spell Damage buff attached and OTKs me when I was at 30 health. Why does this card not have the ā€œBut not less than (1)ā€ tag?

Thatā€™s every loss against Mageā€™s any deck

Mage is so fun isnā€™t it? :rofl:

all your problems are you forcing issues on yourself

no one is forcing you to play ranked

you can literally make any decks you want, and just play against friends all day long

you can use each others decks, the matchmaking system is there for ease of use, but it doesnt mean its the only way to play

you can make rules with friends
you can ban cards
you can force neutral only decks
you can force pure decks
you can make your own rules, you dont need blizzards matchmaking system

you can make your own ranked system outside of blizzards control

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It really seems now that every expansion is just new cards for the same deck. Theres just not a whole lot of innovation going on in how hearthstone is playedā€¦ Theres a turn 6 OTK deck, your turn 5 aggro deck, and your stall warrior/priest type deck.

I understand that this is the standard card game ā€˜meta trioā€™ but the decks get less and less interesting each expansion. Concierge druid is braindeadā€¦ hydration warrior is braindeadā€¦ pirate whatever/token paladin are slightly more interesting in so much that you have to be able to figure out how to kill the opponent by turn 5 or lose board forever due to the massive amounts of removal but if you do I mean 5 turns of going face with snowballing creatures isnt exactly riveting either.

its your fault

if you want to play that way, then do it, stop complaining, and play the way you want to

i do

(Apologies to Schyla for the shared avatar)