To dust or not to dust?

Hi everyone,

I am not really a ´consistent´ hearthstone player, never even was one.
Figured I might pick up the game again when I had seen this ad on a youtube vid about the new expansion.

SO my question is, since some cards are going to rotate out, and I dont play wild decks. Is it ´smart´ to just dust all these cards? I have never enjoyed wild and most likely never will.

If I dust all of the wild cards I can probably make 4/5 meta decks. (I am going to wait a week or 2 after Rise of Shadows has been released to see where the meta will settle ofcourse).

Thanks in advance

Well, Blizzard did nerf dusting amounts for each color. I’m not sure why they did that other than to get more money from players. Blizzard also known for not return full dust amounts. I do know you will “Get less” amount after the nerf. The nerf can’t be found on the patch since it was a stealth nerf.

If you want cards then wager the amounts of dusting if it’s still in your favor go ahead dust them. Just keep in mind you will lose some. If the cards are the rotating cards then from my understanding you will get 100% dust back or so?

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Oh yeah? When did that happen?
I’ve been playing for about four years now, and both crafting and dusting cost have not changed in that period.

The dust amounts are always less than the craft amounts. If that’s what you mean, then yeah. Kinds hard to miss, it is very visible in the crafting / disenchanting screens.
If you claim that they give less dust than they should, then this is not known at all, I’ve never heard or seen it. Care to share a link to your source?

Nope, not true. When a card is nerfed, then you will get MORE dust (full cost, so same as crafting cost) for a limited time, and then it returns to normal.

Never seen that happen in all the time I have played. Care to expand on which cards were “stealth nerfed”, and when?

Nope, not at all.
Cards in sets that rotate do not get any special treatment w.r.t. crafting and dusting.
Cards that are nerfed can temporarily (typically a few weeks) be dusted for full crafting cost.
Cards that are moved to the Hall of Fame (*) grant the player some free dust without losing the card, but crafting and dusting cost are not affected.

(*) Hall of Fame is where cards are moved when Bizzard wants to remove them from Standard play before they normally would. So far this has happened to cards from the Classic set that would normally never leave Standard; this year it will also happen to a few cards from the Witchwood set that normally would be in Standard for one more year (until that set rotates).
Upon the HoF rotation, Blizzard checks how many golden and non-golden copies of the card you have and grants you dust based on the crafting cost of the most expensive set you could include in a standard deck - in other words, for two copies of common, rare, and epic cards; or one copy of legendaries; and using golden before non-golden.
Simple example - let’s say a Rare card rotates to Hall of Fame and you possess one golden and three non-golden copies. Most expensive combination of two is one golden and one non-golden, and that would give you 900 dust - 800 for the golden, 100 for the first non-golden, and nothing for the rest.
You keep all the cards, and you can choose to keep them and play them in WIld, or dust them for normal dusting value (100 dust for the golden, 20 dust for the non-golden copies).


If you don’t already have cards going into HoF, craft them in gold. You will get the full dust back plus you can dust the cards after the refund.

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