Can you just make his mind control random? Thanks. Would make it less of a disgusting card, and a vile flavor failure.
i love Yogg-Saron, Unleashed
Same. But the fact he is only run because he is a targeted Mind Control for 9 mana is the problem. Just shouldn’t be targeted.
did your zillax get stolen?
Do you think Yogg being targeted is in line for his design space?
the fact that the next 2 spells could ruin the board makes it fine for me
praise yogg
Honestly, this card is one of the more annoying cards that I’ll be glad to see rotate. I do agree that in the spirit of yogg, his mind control target should be random.
Random spell tentacles in hand
Random forced attacks
Targeted mind control
One of these things is not like the others.
(That said, they do also need to heavily nerf Zilliax, which drove a huge amount of yogg use)
I won’t be sad when yogg rotates. (Ditto with reska)
Yogg is one of the few actual counters to Unkilliax though. At least it allows for the involvement of SOME risk for players who like to abuse him and then sit there rezzing him multiple times. Sucks to be you if the opponent steals your busted minion.
Except it isn’t because it costs 9 mana, and unkilliax drops on 5 very consistently because they run 2 town criers and 2 chemical spills, and they ramp now to boot.
i play priest so i usually avoid playing something that ll kill it
repackage it
sometimes i dont have to wati that long thx to love everlasting