Titan Sargeras second ability (inferno) did not cast

during my 1st arena game of my current run

(Edit: I play in my ipad)

Did you play Sargeras from hand, or was he summoned in any other way? Was your board full when you played him?

All of Sargeras’ abilities require The Twisting Nether to exist on your side of the board. The Twisting Nether is created as part of Sargeras’ battlecry, and only if there is an empty spot. If Sargeras is summoned through other means, the Battlecry does not go off and you get no Twisting Nether. You also won’t get it if there is no room. And that means that none of the abilities will work.

If you have screenshots, or a link to a replay of the game (assuming you play with an add-on that records games), then please share that, so that the issue can be better investigated.

It’s been 8 days, Im sure I played it out of hand on turn 9 and I guess it didnt work as is did not summon the twisting nether somehow. I have a screenshot, but how do I share?

thanks, I’ve looked closely at the screenshot and It might seem that a killed voidcaller coincidentally summoned it on turn 9, haven not had the problem on later occassions. My lack of knowledge problably led to the wrong assumption.

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