Tired of warriors

God, I wish this deck just would go away. Like, I cerated it out of sheer frustration, so that I don’t just have to suffer it, but I would prefer not to play it and not to meet it.
I love mage, always loved mage, and it just can’t be played in peace because it is so darn vulnerable. All I’m asking for is some viability! :sweat_smile:
When you do play warr and get mirror match, it’s just a race of who gets two particular cards first. No fun to be found all around. Yeah, I understand the kick from completely distrupting your opponents game, but I personally do feel dirty/guilty even if I’m on the winning end, since I know how it feels. Guess it is goodbye HS until something gets nerfed. (Brann. :stuck_out_tongue:)
I get that this is nothing new, but I needed to do some of my own void-screaming :smiley:


That’s the only reason why i havent crafted inventor Boom and build a warrior deck is precisely this reason! i hate mirror matches, even so when it’s reno warrior vs reno warrior.

how does token hunter fare vs warrior?

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Yeah I wish it got something like 4-5 nerfs. It’s just so frustrating to face it as anything other than the top decks.

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very good! token hunter is favored against almost every deck in the meta according to the latest VS


I agree 100%. I’m so tired of warriors every f-ing game. You can’t even blame players for playing the same tired warrior deck either because blizzard takes way too long to nerf things in this game so players that run across this deck, see it destroy them whether it’s through brann early into azerite ox. Or them just giving themselves 10,000 armor and go face every turn. I’m so tired of running into the same deck, half the time I think about just conceding when I know it’s highlander Brann because I know it’s going to be 10-15 minutes of me throwing out minions and the warrior just use their dozens of different removal methods and then throw out brann into Ox, and unless you have a brawl like removal method it’s GG.

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I understand you.

Yep, that’t the thing.

Well done! A reasonable post and not a big-baby tantrum.

Not so much in reality, if you ask me, although that’s my subjective opinion. On the other hand, so are some ‘reports’ by some self-proclaimed ‘gurus’, who could be right and wrong — it’s not even an ‘objective’ picture, unlike some attempts by trackers and the like.

I haven’t played that many games with token Hunter vs Boombozo Warrior yet, but I can say that yes, you can win some, but they can also just spam infinite removals etc if they get a perfect hand, and that’s how it goes.

Who needs the ox (aka ‘Battlecry: Discover 4 minions that are Ragnaros’) or even the boombozo when there’s the Zilliax almost-OTK anyway.

Each of these ‘win conditions’ is ludicrous on its own, but that deck has so many that even if you nerf 3 or 4, they’d still have plenty to go (remember, they aren’t even playing Odyn at the moment, and no-one abolished that, for example).

Reached D8 yesterday first day and about 30% of my opponents were warriors. Next highest class was about 15% iirc. I was playing dk and barely saw any other ones.

Warrior is so ugh to play against but I think I actually had a close to 50% winrate against them. Games were basically decided on how fast they drew/played the bomb guy. That thing is just so toxic. The double zilliax flood can be dealt with but there isn’t much you can do against bombs.

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playing DK if you can get your hero down quickly and draw the head, you can find a way to get your hand full and keep it full. with the nerf to the boom boss you can now with ease have the tnt burned and it will no longer burn your cards.

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That’s an interesting idea. Haven’t thought to try that. Of course you’d be burning your own cards too but I guess the heropower discover might be enough to offset that.

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They need to nerf Warriors SO HARD that they end up at the BOTTOM in win %.

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Thank God, There is someone who thinks like me. I strongly dislike the stupid deck .