Tips for new players: Game is dead

Don’t waste your time with this game. The company does not care about it. They literally don’t do anything to fix game breaking bugs, their prices for a dead game is obnoxious and you will just be frustrated cause after 15min into a game, you lose cause your card is broken. They don’t event have the decency to remove titans and chose one cards while they don’t fix it. They just treat you like a clown for still playing this game.

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Would you mind to explain what cards you’re talking about? Something about Titans, what else?

i agree!you are right!

I believe they are speaking of Titans and discover cards.

the game is dying and i’m doing everything i can to explain to everyone that every dollar spent is a waste, it’s totally rigged and it’s trapping users in an endless hamster wheel

This game is less popular as it older, but I still get a match in less than 30 seconds, and it is still a great game that balances luck, general silliness, and strategy.

Now if you said, CCG’s are designed to get you to spend a lot of money, then yes, but this has always been the case. HS, at least, has very viable free to play options, many more than when it first started.

The truth is, Blizzard is an expert at making their games have a tremendously long lifespan. HS is not dying, you’re just upset about some things in it.