Guldan! Horde with you!

Why you dont play Tikatus? If you thing that is OP and EASY??? gogo and win every game


Haha yeah exactly! Also Mozaki OTKs you in turn 5-6, and yet people still complain about Tickatus. Thatā€™s kinda ridiculous if you ask me.


Oh no a card in deck A counters deck be! Itā€™s not fair! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

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Tickatus doesnā€™t win every game but it also shouldnā€™t be a demon and be copyed be felosophy.


People will copy it with Zola or Sathrovarr instead. So it doesnā€™t make any change. It also returns to your hand with Raise Dead.

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OP, there is a counter to Tickatus. Itā€™s called beat them before they play it. If you canā€™t, no problem, concede and move on. Thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with you if you canā€™t beat Tickatus, ok? There are other players who will beat Tickatus for you.


Yes, true, indeed. I donā€™t really understand why people make so much fuss about it.

There are other players who will beat Tickatus for you.

If all Tickatus players would have 100% winrate, they would be all legend #1 at the moment. So I completely agree, friend.


Because they hate themselves, thatā€™s why. Because they believe someone in life will punish them for losing to Tickatus.
Well folks, let me tell you something: there will be people who will refuse to have a romantic relationship with you or do business with you because you lost to Tickatus. Wonderful, if that happens, move on. If it happens to you, then it can happen to anyone. Keep in mind I said ā€œit CAN happen to anyoneā€, not ā€œit WILL happen to anyoneā€.

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Yes, 100%, people are taking it too tragically, for example this guy called GENBallCack specifically.

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It hurts to see your cards burn before your eyes. Well you just might get your wish for a nerf from the nerf fairy.

Tragically? was there a death? The thread is about the crap card what are you doing here? Go spread your tick love somewhere else this is a hate thread.


Probably 9 times out of 10 I lose to this deck. Obviously thereā€™s counter since itā€™s certainly not the only deck you (or at least I) face. Itā€™s really expensive also. Probably the best deck right now. Real p2w, you donā€™t just get these cards without real currency.

Wow. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve even lost ten times to Tikatus, periodā€¦

My problem with it, is that it can completely mess your synergies up. The opposing player should NOT be able to make you discard -PERIOD- 30 card deck and no access to graveyard. 100% poor game design.

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wow, same whiney crap as when yog came outā€¦ oh no my agro net deck just got crushed. If you want to complain about the set, the uncraftables, or the fact that I guess we donā€™t keep them? bit one card that isnā€™t even in most of the top decksā€¦ so sad to bad your gone.

Itā€™s not a factor of ā€˜win rateā€™ as you could simply lose the game before you draw the card. It has to do with how that card specifically interacts with the game. I am okay with a generic loss due to draw or poor game play, but what I am not okay losing to is losing to randomly discarding five of my cards. Which causes me to either die to fatigue or lose important synergies that I have been building up to.


Tickatus is only ever a threat if you play a deck that cant win before turn 10-12, or you play a deck that has only one real win condition (OTK decks). With any sort of early momentum you arenā€™t going to run out of cards before the lock is deadā€¦

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Itā€™s not even just Tikatus. Itā€™s all of Warlocks board clears ( corrupted destroy three minions card), healing, draw, etc. The ish is ridiculous at this point.

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It baffles me how some people can defend this piece of garbage of a card.

Itā€™s literally an autowin to face any other control or combo deck, now more so than ever with the new Jaraxxus in your deck. It has premium stats and letā€™s be real, got no downside. Iā€™ve never seen a tempo Tickatus being played in my two hundred matches against it. On top of that you get your board cleared on turn 10, burn another 5 and youā€™re now facing a 10/10, 8/8 and two 7/7s. Talk about tempo huh.
I can already hear the argument ā€˜But itā€™s only a Tier2 deck!ā€™, which might or might not be true but the mechanic this card represents is not only unfun but straight out toxic. This is a static game unlike MTG where you can at least properly counter such degenerate decks.
Tickatus was one of the reasons I did not preorder (the other two being Broom and Pen Flinger), because I knew they would not be addressed in time and guess what, theyā€™re tearing up the game right now, no surprises.
Even if Tickatus gets nerfed (which I doubt it will), itā€™s going to get the usual fake nerf, +1 mana increase thatā€™ll solve absolutely nothing.

tl;dr Build your control decks around this card because itā€™s not going anywhere for another year.