Tickatus balance suggestion

I was playing ticketus warlock, but I lost against an infinite hadronox-undatakah druid.
Even without infinite undataka, I lost because I couldn’t remove the full board of reborn for more than 3 times.
I’m writing this so you know Ticketus is very beatable even by non aggro decks.

I guess mechatun has a winrate of 99% when played. The point is: how easy is it to play it? How impactful is it when played?
Ticketus in the long game will become relevant, but if you play this on turn 8, while ignoring the 10 damage board of your opponent, I am pretty sure the 5 milled cards won’t make a difference

The counterplay to Polkelt is to shuffle cards in your opponents deck. Tickatus is not good vs Polkelt. Polkelt is a turn 4 play and Tickatus only a turn 8-9 play. You can also play Polkelt in combination with draw to play around.

I won 3 games against Tickatus as Reno Priest because I have already drawn all of my combo cards. Every other game with every other control or combo deck that I played I just lost to 100% after Tickatus was played.

The card literally says: win the game. It is the last card you play. You can’t play it like Tickatus on turn 8. It does not win you games against combo decks. Only against control decks. —> 1 archetype not 2. Cards like Dirty Rat even give you a good chance to counter this card, because he has to hold it the whole time in his hand. Mechatun is also a combo piece. Tickatus does not need a special combo. The powerlevel difference is huge

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I am only playing in mid to high legend, depending on my deck choices…

1- I didn’t say kill them before they can play tickatus. I said make it so they can’t play a “slow” 6 mana corrupted card (so like turn 8 or later) without either dying or effectively dying by being way too behind on board. That’s not a big ask.

2- If the Warlock had time to copy tickatus and play it to the point that it literally burned all your cards, wtf were you doing all game? Hero power passing? Come on guys, you’re better than this.


Counterplay to the card Tickatus? No you can’t prevent the effect from triggering. Counterplay to decks that run Tickatus? Absolutely, there’s plenty.

Seems people like to troll raza priest players I guess.

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Yeah I also think he is trolling. Well not a lot of choices if all my control decks get destroyed by Tickatus (and Big Priest).

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I think it’s a worthy addition for the highlander warlock tbh. Now he don’t have to pick the wizard and finley I guess.

There is an OR in the argument, meaning he said if you can do the first, it’s all ok. And the entire point of the proposing change is because you can’t win ‘with what you have left’ because if your deck is build around key cards, you lose when it is burned.

Again, there is no problem printing cards that counter Control decks, the problem here is if there is a way to play around it.

Serious, compare something like Rin, where there is a big setup having to play various cards across turns and you hope to burn like 10 cards of your opponent in a complex “win the game” effect with Tickatus with his instant burn effect.

You’d be surprised how many decks can adapt to it or just pressure you into not playing it, I’ve had a shudderwock deck mind control tech and play it back into their hand then clear out my remaining cards, Priests finding it in my deck and playing a corrupted version before me, Rogues copying multiples of it back into their deck, then there’s the times when it just doesn’t show up until it’s of no value, which is frequently. I hope that they leave it as is, currently it’s a decent answer to Rez Priests, but again there’s absolutely no guarantee it’ll show up when you need it.

But isn’t “depends too much on card X” a inerent weakness of a deck?

Aren’t also decks that depend too much on card X or Y the main cause of non games?

If you make this style of strategy possible of target you basically make the game healthier for everyone and not the opposite.

Because now people gonna build decks that have actual outs instead of put everything in one basket to the point where it gonna be over if your opponent pull it off.

One example?
Tortollan mage would not need a nerf if every class had access to that type of tech.

Like I said before:

It’s easy to agree that burn 5 cards per tickatus played is too much.

But it’s also past time for the playerbase get over the fact that milling strategies have their own contribution to make the game better if you allow they to do.

Tickatus gets destroy by aggro decks, now you want the deck to be destroy by control decks also. LOL

No…? If the opponent can consistently delete your key cards, you will not ‘build decks that have actual outs’, you will simple abandon this deck that use key cards because you have better winrate with aggro or midrange.

If you are playing a Galakrond deck and Blizzard print a “Destroy a hero card in your opponent deck or hand” people will not adapt the deck to ‘have actual outs’, they will simple abandon Galakrond and use another strategy.

The problem is the ’ to the point where it gonna be over if your opponent pull it off’ that they keep printing. They keep printing overpowered cards that end the game when they pull it off and then print a very hard hate cards to literally delete the overpowered cards to ‘balance’ the winrate.

Why not balance the OP cards and stop printing hard-hate cards? One thing is printing a Murloc eating crab, another is “delete all murlocs in your opponent deck”.

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A deck that have a out is a deck that not depends on card a or b.

CW not needs ETC combo to win a game.

Cyclone mage didn’t need almost anything since the deck literally generates cards out of thin air.

Burn decks have many damage cards. They not care if some get burned.

And the list goes on.

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So we can keep printing:

  • Armorkatus -> Destroy all cards that give armor in your opponent deck.
  • Cyclonekatus -> Destroy all cards that generate random cards in your opponent deck.
  • Burnkatus -> Destroy all cards that have damage effects in your opponent decks.

It’s ok because it punish the decks right?

Go ahead. It gonna be funnier than you think.

I also suggest:
Randomckatus: Destroy all opponent cards that not started on his deck.

Gickatus: Destroy all other cards with a effect that destroy cards.

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I agree this card needs to be changed, it makes Warlock the only viable control deck in the meta. I see loads of these decks now btw, only agro or Evolve Shaman beat it consistently.

Yeah this could be said for the shaman BS these clueless devs have made.

I’ve played against 3 Tick decks in a row and it’s really starting to get on my nerves.

True, in fact the only control classes played at high legend are priest and warrior