Thoughts on what happened in this game?

I was playing battleground this evening and my opponent, playing snake eyes, had Daryl’s buddy on turn four while on tier three. I would love to understand how that is possible if anyone has ideas.

I played the same player again on turn 7 and they were on tavern 5 and confirmed it was Daryl’s buddy.

THe only way I know of to get buddies atm is a T5 tavern spell, so I’m a little confused.

Was there an ETC in your lobby? I’m betting there was as that would explain it fairly easy.

If so they used this and got it randomly.

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I haven’t noticed you on Forums in years.
Welcome back to one of the most infuriatingly gifted debaters I have ever faced:)

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Nope. No ETC.

And no one else had the buddy.

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No clue if that’s not the case. That’s before trinkets and i have no idea how else how you get access to the tier 5 spell on tier 3 without a trinket. I don’t doubt it could happen though. You can get some weird setups in BG’s at times.

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My initial reaction is that I don’t know enough to know what happened, but I wonder if this was someone who had, in fact, done something nefarious in the BG.

This is the part that gets me.

A Snake Eyes can roll a 6 on turn 1, tier to 2, buy and play a Busker. Turn 2, tier to 3, sell the Busker, buy and play a Careful Investment. Turn 3, tier to 4. Turn 4, buy a Ritual of Growth spell, refresh, see a Tier 4 spell in the tavern, cast the Ritual, transform into Buddy spell, buy and play it. Solved puzzle… for Tier 4 on Turn 4 with a Buddy.

I don’t see how to get there without tiering up the extra time.

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Yeah i couldn’t figure out how they were on tier 3 and did this. Tier 4 was an easy play.

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I feel better that people are struggling to explain it, too.

I really liked to play Daryl once upon a time, so seeing his buddy that early really threw me.

Battlegrounds always had this problem. At some point 1 player gets insanely far ahead of the lobby and it doesn’t feel like your even playing the same game xD.

I haven’t played with trinkets, but the pattern feels familiar and is why i stopped playing the game mode.

I would get to like 9k and the lobbies were just 1 or 2 insane high rolls and everyone else fighting to get 3rd or 4th